Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Conquer Your Fears!

That is Keegan's motto! Today was his first day of Preschool-- and I made it through the day. Whew. On the way there in the car this morning, he said to me: "Mom, I'm not gonna cry when you take me to preschool and go to work today." I said, "Your not?" He said "Nope, because I'M THREE!"

Sure enough, we went in, I put his belongings in his cubby box, I gave all the necessary paperwork to one of the gals working there, and we sat Keegan down to eat his breakfast. Once he was settled at the table, I said "Keegan, Mommy has to go to work now...." He said, "Okay, so... BYE!" I said goodbye, and he said "So, have a good day Mommy!" I said, "I will, you too..." Then he said, as he was about to take a bite of cereal, "Drive carefully!" Oh-- my big boy, I tell ya. I blew him a kiss, scooted out the front door with Tustin, and cried my way to the car. Can you imagine my reaction if he had been crying and begging me not to go? Wow, he was such a trouper! He teared up a couple of times throughout the morning, according to the director when I called (only once did I call), and then he played, ate some lunch, and took a nice nap with the rest of the kids! Daddy visited him for a bit on his way to work in the afternoon (Chris is currently working the swing shift, hopefully temporarily); and Nana and Papa picked him up early afternoon so his first day wouldn't be so long. Tonight while I was giving him a bath, he said he wasn't going to cry at all next time.... and I really think I believe him!!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of the boys. Love the look on Keegan's face. You are a great photographer Tiff!
