Saturday, January 5, 2008

Time for a Keeganism

In the car, on the way home from a work-day, after I had picked the boys up, I asked Keegan about his day. Well, of course I ask Tustin too... but when I ask him, the sentences aren't quite as complete, as you can imagine. I said, "Keegan, what did you see at the Zoo today?" Tustin actually said "Ant Eater, Ant Eater!" Keegan said, "Mommy, do YOU know what an anteater is?" I could barely get out a "Yes," when he said, "No... I'm going to tell you about them!" "Anteaters love to eat bugs, but their favorite is the scorpion. But, we can't eat scorpions Mommy, because they have a BIG pricker on their bum-bums, and they spray poison out of it! But, you know, coatamunis love scorpions too, but they mostly like to eat eggs!" As he was taking his first breath, I thought to myself, "What the heck is a coatamundi, and do I even know how to spell it, let alone know what it likes to eat!!" So, the only way I know, now, how to spell COATAMUNDI, is because after I asked Keegan "What is a coatamundi?," he said, "Let's Google it when we get home, and I'll show you!!" So, I have to say, that I have officially learned my first trivial facts from my 3-year-old son! It's pretty fun!

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