Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tut Talk!

When you can understand the little guy, he's really pretty funny! (And you can tell he gets a lot from his big brother.) I laid him down on his changing table tonight, to change his diaper and put on his PJs. He threw the top to his PJs over his head and said "hiding...." and then he said "monsa comin'..." as he was giggling. I said, "NO, there's no monster coming!" He said, "T-Rex comin'..." I said, "NO, there's no T-Rex coming!" He was getting a little frustrated that I wasn't playing along as he had hoped (however that was), and he looked at me and said "hiding.... Chammy comin'?" It was too cute, I started laughing, and he just started giggling right along with me. So I called Chammy, and said "YES-- Chammy is coming, you better hide!" Oh, he loved that.

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