Friday, January 18, 2008

Keegan is starting PRE-SCHOOL!

Oh, woe is me! Sad and happy at the same time. He did a "trial run" today at Lisa's Lil Tikes Preschool in La Mesa. Not too far from home, and on the way to work in the mornings. He's starting the last week in January, two days a week: Tuesdays and Fridays. That will give me Fridays alone with my little Tut-man, which I'm really looking forward to. After all, Keegan had mommy alone for 18 months after he was born! Tustin and I never get alone time, unless big brother is sleeping. And Keegan-- he really needs to start school. He needs new things to learn; different ways to learn; new kids in which to play; and he needs to learn socialization skills, listening skills, and all those things that are so difficult to do with mommy and grandmas!. He's growing up so fast. If the TWO hours that I left him alone at preschool today is any indication at all as to how difficult kindergarten is going to be (for ME), then I'm really in trouble! The eyes welled up a bit, but I didn't cry... even when he started crying when I left! It's typical, normal, I know. And everyone says "Trust me, it's MUCH harder on YOU than it is on HIM!" Okay, ya, I get that. But... hmmm... nope DOESN'T MAKE ME FEEL ANY BETTER!!

I'll take a cue from my little one right now. When I showed up to pick up Keegan, the teachers were kind of giggling and laughing as they told me a little story about Keegan. He would get all worked up, crying for mommy, and then he'd sit down, lift his arms up, and inhale, and slowly lower his arms down, and exhale. After a couple of repetitions, they said, "Keegan, what are you doing?" He said "I need to do my breathing exercises to help me stop crying!" (It's just a little something we do at home to calm down when necessary.) So, here I go... INHALE..... and EXHALE... whew. I will be okay. I will be okay. He starts on January 29th. So, feel free to email me, call me, lend me a shoulder, and see how I'm doing!!

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