Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, Monday was my birthday. I'm 37 years old! Wow. That's officially "almost 40," isn't it?! The cool thing, my sister is 37 years old right now too!! At least until tomorrow. We have 3 days a year in which we are "equals." HA! She and her hubby share tomorrow as their birthdays (but he's a year younger!).

What did I do for my birthday? My husband and I both completed our civic duty as jurors for the San Diego Superior Court that day! I thought we'd get to sit in the jury room all day together, but no such luck. Although we had to check in at 7:45 a.m., they did not call the first panel of potential jurors until 9:30. Chris was called out in that first group. So, I sat and waited for two more hours until I got called up, right before lunch. Turns out that the civil trial he was going to be a juror on did not take to kindly to the fact that his wife was a paralegal for a civil defense law firm in town. He got kicked! We had a nice lunch together, and I had to go back after lunch. After a little over two hours of the "voir dire" process (jury questioning), I wasn't needed and we were both finally finished. Although I'd love to sit on a jury, chances are that they will probably not accept me too often due to my career. Now Chris is finding out that being married to someone in the field is also a way to not sit on a jury panel. Oh well, there's always next year!

We got to see a movie after jury service. "Atonement." I thought it was slow, and rather boring. But, at the end, you could say, "Ya, that was a pretty good movie." And then my mom, Keegan and Tustin all surprised me with a cake when Chris and I arrived to pick up the kids. (Keegan was on the other side of the door saying "Wait a minute mommy, we are getting your surprise ready... we have a CAKE for you!" It was too cute!)

My goal... to celebrate each and every birthday with fun and laughter, no matter how old I get!

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