Saturday, March 3, 2012

So Busy Lately!!

Whew-- so much has been going on lately. The biggest-- Little League! I'll be downloading pics and blogging about that over the weekend.

But, a little personal blogging. My motto, (if ya-all can't tell from how much I like to talk) has always been: Tell-All and Get the Support you Need, if You Need It! Rather than: "Don't say anything until absolutely necessary, and shock the crap out of everyone!." Think about it-- you are either ONE of those people, not both, I bet ya! And those mottos can go for anything, good news, bad news, or just every day talk.

My News-- which I'm not considering "bad" news, is that I went to the doc the Tuesday before last, after finding a mole on my side, that just didn't look quite right. Different colors, irregular borders, all that stuff "they" tell you to look for. Turns out, as my Dermatologist stated: "Well, I don't think you really have to worry about THAT ONE at all... but there are three others on your back we need to check!" ARGH! So, that same office visit, I had FOUR "punch biopsies" done: the one on my side, and the three on my back. It's not truly a mole-removal, although the size of the punch actually ends up taking the entire mole. So, I walked out of there with what turned out to be about 2-3 stitches for each mole, and my wonderful hubby has been doing DAILY antibiotic ointment treatments and dressing changes for me. I get the stitches out this Tuesday. Yay-- they are itchy!

To make my long-story longer... I got a call on Friday from my doc. Two of my moles are "fine," and two "need to be sent out for further testing." Which only means the preliminary testing was not negative, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything else yet. They can still come back negative. But, like I said, I'd rather ya-all know that something could be up, and urge you all to get your skin checked by a dermatologist EVERY year, rather than me telling you a month from now, "Hey, I'm getting treated for a melanoma!" and shock ya-all!

But-- I've got a good mind set right now. I'm not nervous or worried at all. In fact I'm strangely calm about it all so far. So what if they have to take a bigger chunk out of my back-- I don't mind a scar, I never look at my back anyway! :-) Love ya-all! Now go see your dermatologist!

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