Saturday, March 10, 2012

A Baseball Saturday

Little trouper that he is.... Keegan was at the game field by 8:30 a.m., to warm up for his 9:00 a.m. game this morning. I say little trouper because he had the stomach flu last night! And a touch of a fever (which is how his body fights of EVERYTHING, and much quicker than Tustin, who doesn't ever spike fevers). Tustin had the stomach flu Wednesday night (ALL NIGHT LONG), and was out of school Thursday and Friday this week. He really hadn't eating anything in that 48-hour period, poor guy. But he bounced back, and played his T-Ball game at noon today. Keegan pretty much had a 12-hour bug, and he's back to eating and drinking, although not 100% yet. Another day to rest tomorrow.

My Team Mom duties kept me pretty busy throughout Keegan's game, as you can tell by the lack of pictures (First pic, white helmet). I really got to relax and enjoy Tustin's game quite a bit today! He had a few of the best hits on the team- AND he got to try out the catcher position, which he seemed to enjoy.

So, game at 9am, until 11am; home for 15 minutes, to eat and back to the fields for the 12pm game. Getting there 20-30 minutes early to warm up, of course. And what did the boys want to do with their day AFTER baseball? Head back to the fields to watch a friend's game that started at 3pm (until 5pm). Yep, we were there ALL Day, and they loved it!

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