Monday, March 5, 2012

The Saga Continues....

Okay-- so if you already read my entry "So Busy Lately!" then you will be up to date and ready to read this entry! If not, please read that one first.

Two of my four moles that were punch-biopsied were not Negative. Not exactly Positive, but not Negative. There are a bunch of fancy technical terms that basically mean "a mixture of melanoma and/or pre-melanoma cells." Apparently there is a "gray area" of the line between when the cells are considered malignant or not. If there's any doubt at all-- they remove all those bad cells, so there is no longer any doubt, and no more gray area! I get to do this all over again- Yay! I get my stitches out tomorrow, two weeks status post biopsies, and soon I will have to have two of them officially excised. Not a little office procedure, but 30 minutes in the sterile "Procedure Room!" Poor Chris, he was just thanking his lucky stars that today is his last day of being my nurse. Kidding-- he has been extremely supportive and said he'll change my dressings as long as necessary!

So, they will dig deeper, full-thickness, with an inner layer of dissolvable sutures, and then the same two-week sutures on the outer layer that will need daily cleanings, dressing changes for 2 weeks, then suture removal.

But-- I'm still okay with it all (except the uncomfortableness of the next round of sutures- yuck!). They caught it all early, and the most important thing, I'M DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT! And, again, who cares about little scars on my back, I never even look at my back! :-) So- that's the latest.

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