Friday, June 26, 2009

One GREAT Day!

What does a gal do, who has the day off work, and has BOTH kids at preschool? My first "day off" in almost five years!! Woohoooo!! Took the kids to school, the dog to the groomer, went to the bank, officially filled out all the paperwork to enroll Keegan in kindergarten, ran a couple of other errands..... THEN when I thought, "Hmmm, I should really go home, take advantage of this time and get the dishes and laundry done!" Did I do that? NO WAY!! I got a mani, a pedi, and went to the mall and ended up getting a free makeover at Sephora!! Why you ask? Because I could! All you moms out there will understand the joy of doing anything you want, just because you can!

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