Monday, June 1, 2009

A New Adventure-- the Amtrak!

We definitely have to thank our new friends, for exposing us to so much fun this weekend! (Michael is in Keegan's class at school; we went with their family.)  They suggested we take a train ride to San Juan Capistrano, let the kids enjoy ZooMars, the petting zoo in the area, and then have a nice lunch, and take the train back to San Diego. We did just that-- and we had an incredible time! For the boys, I think waiting for the train to come into the station was as much fun as actually riding on the train! Due to the Rock n' Roll Marathon on Sunday, we decided to drive up to the Solana Beach station, rather than try to fight traffic to get to my building for parking, and try to get on the train from San Diego. It was a wise decision-- the train ride was only 45 minutes. I think if it had been 30 minutes longer each way, the boys (or the adults dealing with the boys) might not have enjoyed it quite so much!

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