Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Mr. Keegan is officially going to kindergarten this fall!! I did a LOT of research in January about all the different kindergartens in the area. I chose one out of district-- to which one of Keegan's friends is going, and I rated the top 3 in our own district that I could handle. I filled out a district transfer form in February for the school in another district-- and even though they said "first come first serve on the waiting list," they decided to hold a lottery for places on the list. Well, he ended up 12th-- which is practically another kindergarten class. With all the state budget cuts, that's not happening! So, I filled out a transfer form for the top choice school in our own district, probably about 3 weeks ago. We just got the letter in the mail today indicating that he has been accepted!! (I have a friend whose 3 kids go there, including one just graduating from kindergarten, and he highly recommends that school!) Yay!! I just couldn't be happier right now.

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