Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pontoon Ride to the Sand Bar

We borrowed a pontoon boat from Grammie and Grampy's very generous friends, and took a cruise to the sand bar, or sand bah, I should say! We played in the water, relaxed on the boat, and the boys did quite a bit of "fishing" with their new poles! I'd have to say that those fishing poles were the coolest things ever-- the boys LOVED them! Thank you Auntie Debbie! Oh ya-- the two extra boys in the photo are Lindsey's kids... she's the gal who is renting the apartment in the basement and Grammie and Grampy's house. We lovingly call her "the girl downstairs," because she works nights, and sleeps during the day. So, all day long, we were telling the boys... "Stop running around.. the girl downstairs is sleeping!" Poor Lindsey, I don't think she slept for too many days while we were there!

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