Monday, August 17, 2009

Keegan's First Day of Kindergarten!!

We dropped Tustin off at preschool-- where he now attends without his "brudder!" He didn't cry, big boy! He gave Keegan a hug and told him to have fun at kindergarten. Keegan started off pretty shy, not really wanting to participate with much. Still listening and following directions, but not too "in to it." As you can see by the super sad face in the one picture of him at his table. It's such a perfect sad face, it almost looks staged... but that's how he was looking at me, as I was observing from the back of the room. Grammie and I sat in for most of the orientations in the morning. Listening to the principal, health technician, after school program rep, and the lunch lady! Then we sat in with Keegan's two teachers for another orientation. He has two teachers who share a contract and each works a few days during the week. They seem really great. There are currently 25 kids in his class, and in the two other classes as well. Only 24 are allowed by the state, so they will be adding a 4th K-class, and splitting the classes up in to smaller groups, which will be nice. Shirley left after the orientation business, and I stayed and had lunch with Keegan. When I said goodbye to Keegan, during recess, after the lunch break... he gave ma a hug, a zerbert, and kiss (his usual trio), and he looked up at me, so matter-of-factly, and said goodbye, that he loved me, and said "Are you going to be okay Mom?" Then I went back to my car, and cried a bit as I drove away. Then I went to pick him up a couple of hours later, and he had a GREAT day. He's still excited about it!! Yay-- hope he keeps that up for a while! :-)

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