Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flag Helper

Keegan got to be an assistant flag helper at school today! (That means he got to stand there, and "participate," but not really hold the flag.) The principal told him yesterday, during recess, that he would get to help out with the flag the next morning. So, I decided to bring my camera, and park the car (rather than just drop him off), and watch him participate in their daily ceremony. He was SO excited about it, but pretty shy standing up there in front of the whole school. He got to say his name on the microphone, and then he helped them start the Pledge of Allegiance, the school's Promise, and then they all sang a patriotic song. Then the kids shuttled off to their classrooms. Keegan did a great job!

New Swing!

When I arrived to pick up Tustin at Nonny's house today, he was swinging away on his new disc swing. She has the perfect shade tree in her yard, with perfect swing branches! He was having a great time!

Deck Progress

Chris's masterpiece is coming right along! You can see how fast the fresh wood changes colors! The photos of the wood when it was lighter and brighter were taken probably about a week and a half ago. The photo that shows the wood when it is darker, and more gray, was taken today. Tustin is sitting on the top step, admiring Nonny's pavers! She did a great job creating her walkway

Thursday, August 20, 2009

On our way to Mass.!

We took a flight to Dallas, and then a second to Boston. After the first leg of the flight, the pilot invited the boys to sit in the chairs in the cockpit and check things out. They really enjoyed that (hope the pilots were able to get all the switches and levers back to the right positions). Then, the boys started flirting with two flight attendants in Dallas, or vice-versa. Turns out they were traveling on the same flight with us, but not working. So, the boys walked up to their row to visit and say hello a couple of time. And the girls bought them a cookie on the next leg of the flight. They were pretty rambunctious from SD to TX, when I sat between them. So, I told Chris, we are switching! And, you can see by the photo, what a difficult time Chris had with them. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzz. When we finally arrived at Grammie and Grampy's house, it was the nicest feeling to finally be there. The boys ran around in the back yard, having a great time. (After applying the appropriate amount of bug-juice, of course!)


Keegan, Anna, Tustin, and David, in order of age, oldest to youngest. The last time these four were together was Christmas of 2006. Almost two years ago! I know Keegan and Anna probably had some recollection, but the younger two-- no chance. For the most part, I'd say the got along really well together. They had so much fun playing together. The two little ones, Tustin and David, butted heads on occasion. But, I see that as a good sign that they like each other. Just like siblings, they got in their little spats. Lord knows Keegan and Tustin do all the time-- and they truly love and care for each other. So-- it was great to see them all play so well together.

Pool Party!

Well, it wasn't all "peaches and cream!" Yes, the boys were on time out, on our vacation, and more than once, I might add! (The solo photos of the boys.) Wayne and Marylou-- the most-generous friends of Grammie and Grampy, allowed us to enjoy a day of swimming in their pool. The neighbor's dog from down the street joined us for a spell as well. And, of course, the boys really enjoyed petting, and feeding grass to their donkeys. (Why isn't "donkeys" spelled "donkies?")

Salisbury Beach, Mass.

We had an evening jaunt to the beach one afternoon. Chris and his dad were playing an afternoon round of golf, so the gals and I took the kids to Salisbury Beach. I haven't really spent the later-afternoon, early-evening hours at the beach before, but we had a great time. We ordered sub sandwiches, and watched the kids play in the waves for over an hour. And dig, and run around and play too! They did not care how cold the Atlantic ocean was. (Speaking of that, it took a while for me to remember that the West wasn't the direction to the ocean!) Oh ya-- and Auntie Debbie bought masks and snorkels for the kids, in preparation of beach play, and lake time at the cabin. Although, I think they turned out to be more fun as play toys, than actually being used as intended in the water!

Three Generations of Tibbetts!

I do see some resemblances in all of them!! We had fun hangin' out in Newburyport. Had a great breakfast at "Angie's." (Dad, you would love it!)

Around Town

Just like at home, the minute we turn around, Keegan has climbed something! We had a nice afternoon walking around downtown Newburyport, along the East Coast's version of a board walk. (Except, it was really a walk, made out of boards.... Hmmm, why are our concrete walkways out here called "board" walks?!) Thinking back, this was one of our stickier (humid) days. Apparently, when we arrived, they said it was the first time since May that it hadn't rained. And we proceeded to get excellent weather the entire trip!

Fun Around the House

The kids had a blast at Grammie and Grampy's house! Riding the electric cars-- and the lawnmower. Playing in the sand box, and just running around, being able to enjoy the huge grassy yard that Keegan and Tustin don't have to play in at home in San Diego.


The Tibbetts' Cabin

In the little lakeside town of Freedom, New Hampshire, sits the Tibbetts cabin, which has been in the family for several generations! It's a wonderful place, where you can relax and do nothing at all, or do so many fun and exciting things that you are exhausted in a day! Auntie Debbie bought the kids fishing poles, which were the hit of the vacation! (The kids "fished" in the lake - quite often asking "When am I going to catch a fish?" They fished across the grass in front of the cabin. They fished over the sides of boats. And more often than not, we were fishing their lines out of the trees, and untangling them from the other lines being casted about!) At the cabin, the kids could swing on the swing set, or on the hammock, play in the sand box, and play in the water at the Tibbetts' own private beach!!