Saturday, February 28, 2009

87 Degrees!

It's a beautiful day here in Sun Diego! It's only noon, and it's 87 already! Whew. The boys and I went to Lake Murray to feed the ducks; and then we went to the mall to ride the carousel; and we bought some new big boy underpants for Tustin. He is on day 4 of NO diapers! He's doing a great job of telling us when it's time to go potty. Tustin is the photographer for the picture of Keegan and Mommy!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A day of celebration!

No, not because it's Fat Tuesday. Tustin wore "big boy underpants" from 6am this morning, to 8pm tonight! An ENTIRE day without diapers, and without accidents, and going pee-pee on the potty all day. We are SO proud of him. Keegan has really been helping.. apparently peer pressure from a sibling works much better than Mommy and Daddy begging. Keegan always tells him, "Tustin, I'll let you wear my superhero underpants, but if you pee in them, I won't ever let you wear them again!" About 20 minutes after we put him to bed, we hear "Mommy, I don't want to wear these anymore..." and I went in there to find him ready for a nite-nite diaper. Dry pants, but I think he was just exhausted from working so hard at it all day. Yay!! Hooray! Light at the end of the tunnel; freedom from diaper bags is in our future!

Fun at the Zoo!

I played hookie on Monday, and we went to the Zoo! Sister Kristi and nephew Jack were in town for a quick visit. We spent a good 5 1/2 hours at the Zoo. The boys did great, with hardly any stroller-time at all. That's a lot of walking for 2, 3, and 4-year olds. Keegan, Tustin, and I walked around the snake house before the rest of the family arrived... Keegan proceeded to go up to each window and tell me whether the snake was poisonous or not, and what it could do ("wrap around your arm and squeeze you," "spit venom," etc..). Some people were walking by us, and they looked at him and chuckled... I said "Hey, if you want the fully narrated tour, just follow us around!" For a couple of boys who go to the Zoo many times a month, I'd be surprised if their first jobs weren't at the Zoo.


The three boys had so much fun together. They had fun getting their faces painted-- Keegan insisted on the same dragon Jack had. Jack was pretty funny, spending a good ten minutes (while Keegan and Tustin got painted) admiring himself in the mirror. It was funny how their personalities transformed after getting their faces painted. Like putting on a costume at Halloween and feeling like no one can really see you inside-- or behind the "mask" in this case. When we had to say goodbye, Tustin sadly, but so proudly, said "Bye-bye my cousin. Bye-bye." And in the car, Keegan said, "Mommy I'm kinda sad. I wish I could stay with Jack forever!" Yes, a tear or two welled up in my eye!

Family Fun

It was nice being able to hang out with my sis! And the old fogies too, for that matter. Seems that whenever we are seeing Nana & Papa these days, it's always to drop off or pick up! Fun to just have fun every now and then.


We had a blast with each other, but we managed to spend time checking out the animals too! And I had some fun photo ops! We were able to watch a snake eating it's lunch, from nose to tail... I mean, from start to finish! The meerkats, forever posing for the camera. A beautiful Wood Duck; and an incredible opportunity to photograph a nest of baby hummingbirds. This nest was about the size of a golf ball, maybe a touch bigger. There were two tiny babies in it, feeding from Mommy's mouth, whenever she would buzz back around. It was right at eye level, and basically in a bush, right along the walking path. Amazing!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Inflatable World!

Inflatable World opened early this season... just in time for cousin Jack's visit to San Diego.  Kristi and Jack are in town, and Kristi is spending time with some friends.  So we took Jack to Inflatable World!  We had a really great time.  After about an hour and a half, the boys were pooped!


Keegan had a BLAST, from start to finish! He's such a climber, he just zooms right up the ladders, and flies right down the slides!


Tustin started out gung-ho, as he has been a few times before. But, after going on a couple of the BIG slides, he decided he would pass on those for the rest of the day, and stick to the smaller stuff.


Here are some fun pictures of Jack at Inflatable World.  He's never been before, so it took him a while to get comfortable.  But he ended up having a great time!


I don't only TAKE pictures with the kids all smiling and happy... I only POST the ones with the kids all smiling and happy.  Here are some fun blooper photos!


Do we have dinosaurs? YES, we have dinosaurs.... parasourolophus, quetzalcoatlas, t-rex, diplodicus, spinasaurus, triceratops.... you name it! We've got it!

Tut Talk!

We were getting things ready for breakfast this morning, and I asked Tustin if he wanted a bagel. He said "Yes, I want a plain bagel please." So I asked him, "Tustin, do you want me to toast it? Or put some peanut butter on it?" He said, "No, I want a PLAIN bagel." So, I took it straight out of the bag and handed it to him. He turned it around in his hands, and looked all over it, then he said, "I want PLAIN on my bagel, where's the PLAIN??"

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Tut Talk!

The boys have been very in to superheros lately. They were running around outside (in our 74-degree weather), and Keegan said "I'm Spiderman!" Tustin said, "What I'm gonna be? What I'm gonna be?" So I told Tustin that he could be Batman. He got excited, and smiled, and then he looked at me and said, "And YOU can be my side-kick Mommy!" So, Robin I was!

20 years!

20 years post high school graduation that is! Yes, this is the year, our 20th high school reunion! The three of us, and hubbies too, will be there to celebrate with our class. This photo was taken at my friend Shelley's ValentWINE party on the 14th.