Friday, June 20, 2008

Funny Boys!

Keegan wanted his drum, to play music along with D-O-G (from Word World). I gave him his drum, and he ran into the living room saying "I've got gooder rhythm than dog does!" --who cares about the grammar at age 3, where did he learn "rhythm?!" It was cute; he was so serious about drumming.

Tustin's nap excuse today was "I have an owie Mommy... I have an owie!" I went in there, asked him where his owie was. "On my finger..." So I asked him to show me where his owie was, and he said "I don't know..." I said, "You don't know? What do you mean? Where is your owie Tustin?" He looked around, held up his hands and shrugged, "It's somewhere, I put it somewhere!"

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