Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another Successful Day

Keegan had his 2nd day of his new preschool today, and loved it just as much as Monday! Didn't even phase him when I walked in to pick him up today. He was eating his snack and quickly said "Mom, I don't want to leave yet please, I still need to play some more after my snack!" Tustin asked the teacher sitting by Keegan, "May I peese have water too peese?" And he asked for a snack too, and said "Thank you" so politely, she couldn't refuse. So, we stayed and "hung out" for a while. I asked Keegan if any of the kids there at that time were in his class room today, he said no, but pointed to the teacher and said, "Her, Miss Narrator." It was SO funny-- he hasn't learned her name yet, and saw hear reading a book to another kid, and heard her giving directions earlier, so he came up with his own name for her! The best part, when I told him he gets to come back tomorrow-- he said "YEAH!" with such excitement. OH I'M SO HAPPY!! :-)

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