Sunday, June 29, 2008
Park Fun-- but ending up being a little too warm!
Saturday, June 28, 2008
ELMO Live!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
New Neighbors...
So, the "For Rent" sign was taken down today. I was thinking it would take longer than a couple of weeks to rent out ($2200 a month for a little house in our neighborhood is not a great deal), but I guess it's rented! Oh, wish us luck! And that's the news for now, have a great weekend! Tustin and I are going to see ELMO- Live on Saturday, should be fun!
Another Successful Day
Monday, June 23, 2008

-- through his first day at his new preschool! NO TEARS! It was wonderful. I dropped him off this morning, got all of his things in their proper places, read him a book (there was only one other kid there at 7am), and said good bye. He usually watches me walk away until he physically can't see me anymore. Not this morning. He leaned out the door, waved, caught the kiss I blew at him, said "Bye Mommy, have a good day," and walked right into the class room! I was so proud of him!
In the morning, all of the kids gather in a different room than his usual classroom, with some of the teachers who arrive early, until all the other kids and teachers start showing up. So, he didn't really even know those teachers. But, no problem at all. One of Keegan's teachers arrived about 10 minutes after I left. She called me on my cell phone to let me know that she had gotten to work, and than Keegan was doing great! That was nice of her to call!
I picked him up after work, and he was so busy playing with toys, and the other kids, he didn't come running over to me like he usually does at the end of a preshool day. He said, "Mom, I'm having so much fun, I'm not ready to go yet!" The teachers said he did great, that he was very sweet, very polite, he listened well, followed directions, participated in all the activities, etc. And the best part, he spent the next 25 minutes on the drive home telling me EVERYTHING he did during his day at preschool. He told me the whole story of the book they read, explained a couple of games that they played, etc. (His old response, after a day at his old preschool, was "I don't want to talk about it." Or I'd ask him what you did today, "Just played," he'd say with no details.)
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Cutie Patooties!
Lots and Lots of Rides!
More Rides!
Elephant Rides
Time for the Del Mar Fair!
Funny Boys!
Tustin's nap excuse today was "I have an owie Mommy... I have an owie!" I went in there, asked him where his owie was. "On my finger..." So I asked him to show me where his owie was, and he said "I don't know..." I said, "You don't know? What do you mean? Where is your owie Tustin?" He looked around, held up his hands and shrugged, "It's somewhere, I put it somewhere!"
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Tut Talk!
Tustin's ABCs
He "perfected" them about a month ago, right around turning 2. Figure I should share his ABCs with family and friends!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Tustin's First (Professional) Haircut!
Hair Cut Time!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
NO nuts!
Monday, June 9, 2008
The Cousins... except my two boys.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Gone Fishin'!
Interesting Attire for the Zoo...
Inflatable World!