Sunday, March 16, 2008

Horton Hears a Who-- with Thing 1 and Thing 2!

We took the boys to see Horton Hears a Who this morning. (Not many people up and about on a Sunday morning for a 9:30 a.m. movie!) We got there a bit too early, as they had to sit through all the previews too. But, out of the 88-minute movie, they were dead-silent and intense about watching it for about the first 60 minutes. Then once Tutty wanted to start walking around the theater, Keegan thought that would be pretty cool too. We stayed until the end, but I'd say the boys were only half-focused by then! (Keegan more than Tustin, as I have been reading the book to Keegan every night for the last week-- by his choice!) They were excited about wearing their Thing 1 and Thing 2 outfits! It was pretty amazing, when I pulled it out of the closet, Tustin immediately said "Ha-ween cos-toon." Good memory 5 months after Halloween!

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