Saturday, March 29, 2008

As Tustin would say....

"I cute!"

Fun at the Fields

There was so much to do for the little ones. They had a great play area with miniature houses to play in; ladders, slides, and even a small snow slope to slide down on a mat. (Pretty mushy by the time we got there.) They had this great maze made out of sweet pea plants all in bloom. Smelled so good as we were trying to find our way out! We got to go on a spring-time version of a hay ride-- the big wagon was pulled by a big tractor. It took us all around the beautiful flower fields. If we stayed a couple hours more, there was so much going on for the kids that we just didn't have time for!

Ranunculus as far as the eyes could see...

Keegan, Tustin, Mommy, Daddy, and Papa all took a trip to the Carlsbad Flower Fields today. It was a beautiful day! We had so much fun! Perfect, sunshiny weather, with a nice ocean breeze every now and then. And the flowers were just breathtaking!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Advice? Anyone??

Who would have thought that the decisions you make for your kid's preschool would be so difficult! (Okay, for those of you who have been-there/done-that, you know!) Well, I take it all back, this day in age, who you find to take care of your precious children IS difficult and stressful!

Keegan is in a preschool now, two days a week. (We just cut down from two full days to two half days, which has been helping with his anxiety issues incredibly! No more tears when I drop him off.) Well, he's been on a waiting list at another preschool since August! They just called me yesterday to let me know they are enrolling kids off their waiting list for their summer program!

This other preschool is GREAT! Feel free to check out their site if you so desire: I feel that it will be a much more "educational-based" preschool than where he is now. Where he is now is nice, but seems to be more of a "day care" than an actual preschool. He's not really learning anything, except socialization skills and listening and following directions (don't get me wrong, all that is VERY important), but he needs to be challenged with brain-work too. BUT-- this other one is much more expensive, a bit farther away, and do I pull him out of a place he is just getting used to, and make him start all over with his anxiety issues?!! If he doesn't start there until June, should I take him out of school right now all together, so he doesn't actually get attached to friends and teachers? Or do I keep him where he is now, to stay in the groove of having (wait, "getting") to go to school?

In Turmoil, please help!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Bunny Also Came to Nana & Papa's House!

We had a nice lunch at Nana & Papa's today, and the boys had another Easter egg hunt in the back yard. And we finally got a cute family picture-- gotta wait until everyone is in the right mood to attempt that!! And, you have to accept the ones with closed eyes as well!

An 85-degree San Diego Easter Sunday!

We took advantage of the beautiful day and played out back for a while. (See, Keegan doesn't ALWAYS smile for the camera; he sulks when he's on time-out!)

The Easter Bunny Came to Our House!

The boys SLEPT IN today (7:00 a.m.), and woke up to find that the Easter Bunny had been here over night. He hid lots of eggs around the living room, and a big basket of fun stuff for each of the boys.

Jumper Fun

There was a jumper at one of the Easter festivities we went to this weekend. Tustin didn't understand the whole waiting-in-line thing..... so he stood up at the front of the line for 5 minutes

crying "want IN there, WANT IN THERE!" When they finally got in, he was ALL smiles!

Coloring Eggs for the Easter Bunny

Keegan and Mommy had fun coloring eggs. Tutty isn't quite coordinated enough this year, so we waited until he went to bed.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A little video fun with Tustin!

Hangin' Out; Havin' Fun

Keegan is our big climber-- but Daddy helped him up into this tree at a park we went to last weekend. The one who is THE most excited when I break out the hammock in the Spring? Chammy! We started swinging with her in the hammock when she was a tiny pup, and 65-70 pounds later, it stuck! She LOVES relaxing in the hammock with us. Tutty competes for a spot next to Mommy sometimes; Chammy still has a few pounds on him though!

Meet & Greet with the Easter Bunny!

We had a busy weekend! Yesterday morning, we went to a little Easter breakfast party at one of our local malls. The boys got to meet the Easter Bunny; we had mini donuts; got to pet real little fluffy bunnies; and entered into a raffle which we didn't win! But it was fun. They are really exciting about coloring eggs, and finding out where the Easter Bunny hides them on Easter next weekend!!

Horton Hears a Who-- with Thing 1 and Thing 2!

We took the boys to see Horton Hears a Who this morning. (Not many people up and about on a Sunday morning for a 9:30 a.m. movie!) We got there a bit too early, as they had to sit through all the previews too. But, out of the 88-minute movie, they were dead-silent and intense about watching it for about the first 60 minutes. Then once Tutty wanted to start walking around the theater, Keegan thought that would be pretty cool too. We stayed until the end, but I'd say the boys were only half-focused by then! (Keegan more than Tustin, as I have been reading the book to Keegan every night for the last week-- by his choice!) They were excited about wearing their Thing 1 and Thing 2 outfits! It was pretty amazing, when I pulled it out of the closet, Tustin immediately said "Ha-ween cos-toon." Good memory 5 months after Halloween!

Our Very Own MotoCross Champ!

We went to Chris's awards banquet last night so that he could accept his 6-foot trophy for coming in first place last season in his motor cross racing. He was number one in the "30+ vets class." The close-up photo of Chris was taken by our very own junior photog, Keegan Tibbetts! Chris got a really great jacket with his name on it, the trophy, and he was supposed to get a framed poster, with his photo and name on it... but they messed up the photo in the processing part, and we have to get them a new one so he can get his poster. Congrats Chris-- long, difficult season, but great job!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ford Fighting!

Tustin's favorite lines, every time we pass the bay downtown: "I see a Pirate Ship right there. Pirates on it. Ford Fighting!" So, here they are, all dressed up in their pirate gear.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tut Talk!

Tustin is quite the comedian! His little personality is coming out in his words, what few he can say. Well, actually, he's got a pretty good vocab already. Keegan brought two glitter-covered hearts home from preschool, that he made for his Nana and Nonny (oops, I just blew a surprise), and Tustin pointed at them and said "Loves." I said, "Loves?" He said, "Yes, Loves, one, two; two Loves Mommy." I didn't have the heart to tell him they were hearts and not "loves!!"

Keegan and Tustin were talking in the car about thunder and lightening. Tustin said "HOT, lightening HOT!" We said, "Yes, Tustin, you are right, lightening is hot! Good job." Then Tustin said "I blow on it!" It was so funny, we all started laughing.

New Keeganisms...

Chammy's Bowl:
Since Keegan was about 18 months old, we've been telling him, "No Keegan, you CAN'T drink out of Chammy's water bowl, it's dirty!" A couple of weeks ago, he pointed to her water bowl out back and said "Mommy, is Chammy's water dirty? And that's why we can't drink it?" I felt a wave of happiness, did he finally get it? After all this time? I said "YES, Keegan, that's right, it's dirty water, and that's why we can't drink it!" Then he said, with a sad little face, "If it is dirty water, and we can't drink it, then why is it okay for Chammy to drink dirty water Mommy?"

Fly Like a Bird:
We were driving home one day last week-- which is when Keegan has a lot of his "deep thoughts"-- and he said, "Mommy, I wish I could fly like a bird." I said, "Yes, I do too, that sure would be fun, wouldn't it?" He said "Yes." So, I told him, "Maybe when you grow up, you can be an airplane pilot, and fly airplanes way up in the sky like the birds..." He looked at me like I was crazy and said, "Well, why can't I just be a bird when I grow up??"

Saturday, March 8, 2008

T-Ball Video

T Ball Time!

Keegan's final sport for his "Y-Sports" program. It's a toss up between soccer and T-ball as to which he liked the best! He got a medal and a certificate for completing his class. We think he really enjoyed his Saturday mornings. Tustin did too!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sick and Tired Boys.

Chammy is our sick-protector. She senses when any of us are sick, and cuddles.

SICK, Sick, sick....

That about sums up the past two weeks in the Tibbetts' household! And that is my meager excuse for not writing lately. Chris had a bout of bronchitis over a month ago, which cleared up thanks to modern medicine. But he got a cough again a few weeks ago that just kept on keepin' on! And our boys, oh, our poor, sick little boys-- well, not any longer thank goodness! After several days of high fevers (102-104), not eating well, and both of them really having no energy at all, we decided to schedule appointments for them. (Let me tell you, it seems that all of San Diego is sick right now, and everyone has "the virus" that's been going around!) It was the pink-eye, for both of them, that actually got me to schedule the visit. Their first bout of pink eye for both of them! ANYWAY-- they ended up both having ear infections as well! Me? Two days after my eye surgery, I got an intestinal virus/food poisoning(?), which landed me in Urgent Care for 5 hours getting pumped with fluids. Didn't eat for 4 days-- it was a yucky bug. And THEN I got the "regular" flu last weekend. The aches, pains, high fevers, sweats and chills, couldn't-dream-of-carrying-around-my-36-pound-baby kind of the flu! YUCK. We are ALL healthy and happy Tibbetts once again. And my goal for this weekend is to update the blog with lots of fun photos and maybe even a video clip or two. Ambitious, I know!!