Tuesday, April 17, 2012

New School

I HAVE to blog about the new school the boys will be attending in the fall. About 8 of us took a tour, and attended a little presentation, at the school last Thursday. It is a "California Distinguished School," and a 10 of 10 rated school by the State of CA. I thought it would be difficult to find a principal (and teachers) as wonderful and dedicated as the ones the boys have now... but the new principal is putting up a good fight! She seems wonderful. And the school-- WOW! They have their own little building that is their school library! The boys' current school has a little 10x15 room, lined with books, they call a library. They have a computer lab; a science lab; and their three-pronged "magnet" program just seems incredible. The technology in the classroom-- huge computer/white boards I've never seen before-- it's wonderful! Needless to say, we are SO excited! The boys.... well, they aren't fighting it yet, although they have expressed their sadness in leaving their school, their teachers, and their friends. Mommy and Daddy understand... but secretly, we are super excited about the NEW friends they will have. Friends with parents who care about their kids' education! Maybe they will even develop true friendships, kids they can play with on weekends, and get invited to birthday parties, and other Mom-friends I can make too!

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