Monday, April 30, 2012

The Move is Coming

Well, we did a walk-through of our new house this weekend! They keys are OURS!! We are very exicited. Excited for a new neighborhood; excited to have sidewalks to walk on; excited for the recreational lake behind our house; excited for the fantastic school the boys will be attending in the fall... just excited in general! The BIG, official move will be next weekend-- when we start living in our new place. This week will be more boxing. Lots and lots of boxing stuff up. I just realized last week, this is THE LONGEST time I have EVER lived in one place in my life! In that respect, and the fact that we started our family here, and our kids only know this house as their true "home," leaving will be bitter sweet. A lot we will miss. But, a lot we will look forward to for our future!

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