Sunday, September 26, 2010

Kinder Nights at the Zoo

As I previously mentioned, last weekend was a VERY busy weekend! A couple of months ago, we signed up for this program at the Zoo, which was on Saturday night. It was a rain forest theme this month. We sat in a class room in the education department and learned all about the rain forest, and saw some rain forest animals. Then we went out the back door, into the Zoo at night, and sat down among some rain forest animal enclosures, and the boys had story time with the instructor. When we went back into the class room, we made rain sticks, and had a yummy rain forest snack. It was a really fun program, and I definitely think we'll do it again. (Although Keegan takes offense to the name, since he's in FIRST grade now!) They got to wear their PJ's too, which was a lot of fun. There's one picture of Keegan showing his camouflage skills in the bushes!

GOoooooooooo Red Rockets!!

The boys started a two-month, Saturday soccer program last Saturday. Last weekend was when all the kids showed up, and they were divided into six different teams. So, there wasn't much playing, just a lot of organizing. The boys are on the red team, and at Mommy's suggestion, we all picked the Red Rockets as their team name. Tustin was very excited to get started in soccer, and Keegan was excited, but still thinking about it. (His cup of tea is definitely swimming!)

Mr. Keegs & Mommy

We decided to have Independent Family Days this weekend. I went to the Wild Animal Park (WAP) with Keegan one day, and Chris spent the day at Boomers Family Fun Center with Tustin. (There comes a time when the boys get on each others' nerves, which gets on our nerves, so, we decided to Divide and Conquer!) I spent all day with Keegan, and Chris spent all day with Tustin. They got to enjoy mommy and daddy alone, without competing for attention with Brudder. Keegan and I had a wonderful day at the WAP, it was HIS day, to do what HE wanted to do, and I would follow. We ran, and skipped, and danced, held hands, saw shows and animals, ate junk food, and just had a fantastic time!

Thank goodness my boys like getting their pictures taken! Well, most of the time. Or I'd be in trouble, as camera-happy as I am!

Bird Mania

We saw all kinds of birds at the WAP. There was a hummingbird, feeding on the flowers down in the front of the bird show, as the show was going on (Guess he wasn't afraid of the free-flying hawks and other predators in the show). It was so cute-- a free-loader at the bird show. But, I got a couple of cool pictures of it, one with the wings going so fast, you can't even see them, and another picture with it's wings stretched out. And the Crown Cranes at the front of the park at a baby, just one week old. It was SO cute!

WAP's Water Park

They have a very small water park area at the Wild Animal Park. We knew it was there, so we brought a towel and swim trunks for Keegan. Worked out perfectly because it was HOT that day. He must have spent at least an hour or more, playing in the water and running up and down the HUGE grassy hill next to it. The kid has got some energy! I told him: "Keep on running honey, run as much as you want to!" So, he did.

Fun at the WAP

I guess I should call it by it's new name, San Diego Zoo's "Safari Park." But, when you are a native San Diegan, the "Safari Park" will forever be the Wild Animal Park. (Just like "The Q" is still "The Murph" at times! Oh, and of course, "Cricket" will always be "Coors," for those of you who live here and actually know what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, we saw some incredible animals, a couple of really fun shows, Keegan got to play at the playground for as long as he wanted, and we really had a super day together!


The next day, we pulled the old switcheroo, and switched kids for the day. Daddy took Keegan to Inflatable World, and Tustin and Mommy went to Sea World. Since I'm the camera freak, of course we only have photos of my two days with the boys. But, I did get to hear all the fun adventures that the boys had with Daddy too. I think maybe one weekend a month we'll have to do our "Independent Family Day." Kind of an oxymoron, but that's what is is... family day, but separate! We loved it! And the kids really needed it. No competing with siblings, just pure fun with mom and dad!

Sea World

I didn't bring my big camera with me to Sea World, but I pulled out my phone and snapped off a few fun photos. We had SO much fun together-- we rode ALL the rides that, until this year, Tustin has been too short to ride. With his shoes on, he's just over that 42-inch line for all the rides. We went on Atlantis and plunged down into the water; we rode the simulated helicopter ride at the Wild Arctic; we even went on the Shipwreck Rapids white-water rafting ride, and got SOAKED all the way through. Both of us were loving every minute of it, and truly enjoying our one-on-one time together!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Posts Coming Soon...

Bear with me, it's been crazy busy around here lately! Last weekend was incredibly busy, but I do have photos to prove it. I'm hoping to get some stuff posted this weekend. BUT, it's date night tonight, for my hubby and me, so, no posting right now! Just wanted to say Hello, and let you know I'll be posting soon!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


As far as I can one is reading my blog, or looking at my pictures. :-( Yes, I have to admit, I do it mostly for myself. Photograph is something I enjoy, and I like blogging about my family with pictures of our time together.

If you like what you see or read-- please feel free to "comment" on it. After each blog entry, there's a little "comment" word you can click on. I've got it rigged so you shouldn't have to sign up for an account, or leave your name or anything (if this isn't the case, please let me know). Just click, make your comment, and continue looking at pictures. I would LOVE to hear from you, from anyone, who might enjoy looking at pictures. :-) Thanks!


Yes-- it's just over a month away, but if the boys see it in the store-- it's time to buy the costumes! But, that's okay, at least we know if we spend money on a custume, they will be palying dress-up and wearing it for at least 6 weeks to come! We had fun at the costume store yesterday. Nonny bought Tustin a black Spiderman outfit on their outing on Friday, so we went this weekend so Keegan could pick something out. He picked out Ben Ten! Here's a picture of Tustin's new hair cut too....he just about begged me to cut his long, thick, beautiful, blond-tipped locks off. So, sadly I did. He loves it!

What Would YOU Wish For?

Or, for those English experts our there..... For What Would You Wish?? Yes, I know the proper grammar, but this is my BLOG folks, it's REAL, not proper!! :-)

I recorded Aladdin for the kids yesterday sometime, so we are watching it right now-- it's almost over. I said "Keegan, if you could have any wish in the world, what would you wish for?" Keegan said, "I would wish for it to be summer forever!" Tustin said "I would wish to stay at Auntie Kristi's house forever!" After a little probing (feeling sad that my 4-year old doesn't want to live with his mommy)... his wish was because he wanted to swim in Auntie Kristi's pool every day and play with his cousins Jack and Rose every day! Too Cute.

Barter System?

Or, possibly the BRIBE system, knowing Keegan! The last two mornings, I've been laying in bed, listening to the boys over the monitors. (Chris has been up and out of the house by 4am both days this weekend for work.) Yesterday they used "teamwork" to move their huge toy box from one bedroom to the living room saying "Okay, and we'll put it down to take a break when we need a break, and we can go get a drink of water..." Later I heard Keegan telling Tustin "Tustin, if you help me clean up, and be nice to me for the rest of the day, I'll give you all this money I've got right here." (He had about 50cents in nickels, dimes, and pennies.) Of course, Tustin said "Sure, ya, okay Keegan!"

This morning, I missed what exactly they were bargaining for, but I heard Keegan say "Okay, and then we'll trade again, how about after One Halloween, and Two Christmases, then we'll trade back?" Tustin said his usual, "Sure, ya, okay Keegan!"

They really do have their sweet moments!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Eyes are so amazing!

They look so different up close than they do from afar. Tustin's eyes are SO blue. Keegan's have turned from gray-blue to a hazely-green almost. But, if you look at both of their eyes up close, it's amazing how similar the mixture of colors really looks!


My old boss came through for me once again-- and spotted me four tickets for a 2-hour harbor cruise! (A nice perk, 'cause it ain't cheap!) We had a little snack before we boarded, and I had my camera out already, of course. I took a nice photo of my building. And we boarded the Lord Hornblower for a two-hour cruise! (NOT a 3-hour cruise, like the USS Minnow.) We got to hang out in the pilot house, and watch things behind the scenes, before we cruised around the boat to check out everything else. It was fun!

Whole Boat to Ourselves!

Sort of... They only open up the upper/outer decks to the passengers on the harbor cruises. But, my captain buddy gave me the "OK" to roam elsewhere around the ship. So, the four of us spent time dancing on the dance floor, and hanging out on the Poop Deck. It was so cool, having a deck to ourselves. The outer decks were completely full, without a place to sit at all.