Saturday, December 19, 2009

Skype & WebCams

Okay, I have to say-- it's the coolest thing! Our boys have been able to sit down and have conversations, and sing to, their grandparents in Mass. lately. It's so cool! They got us our webcam this summer (THANK YOU so much), and we just got around to hooking it up. And it's awesome! Kristi has one too, so the boys and their cousins have had "face to face" conversations as well. It's so cute.... well, Rosie is still in awe that she can see herself on the computer, so she didn't do much more than smile and giggle. But Jack and Keegan and Tustin couldn't stop talking. It is so much fun. SO... if any of you have webcams, and are on Skype-- look me up! :-)

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