Monday, December 14, 2009

Cookie Baking Party!

Mom/Nonny came over yesterday, and we baked ALL DAY long! We made 3 different kinds of yummy cookies. Okay, honestly, when I say "we," I really mean "Mom baked all day." I... uh, well, let's see, what's the word? I Supervised! Ya, that's it! The boys can actually take more credit with these cookies than I should. Tustin mixed and stirred, and both of them put the sprinkles on the frosting (and in their mouths). This was all in preparation for my office Cookie Buffet (bring some cookies in, everyone mixes and matches with other cookies, and everyone takes different cookies home). Although, when 5 out of 35 people did the baking, it's more like "bring some cookies in, and let everyone in the office eat them all!" But it was still fun, nonetheless.

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