Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just a Plain 'Ole Update

It's official-- we are a diaper-less household! It's been just over a week, and Tustin has not worn diapers once. He had a big messy poop in his pants for mommy a week ago... but not since. He was embarrassed and humiliated (the "accident" happened at a park), and it obviously didn't feel that great. I think that was enough. Now he tells us every time he has to poop or pee. We'll just have to play the next game at this stage: How Long do We Have to Get to a Potty, once he says the word?!

Keegan will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. It's just a matter of which one? We've turned in the transfer papers to hopefully get him in to a nicer school than the ones in our immediate area, but now we have to wait for their response. Both Keegan and Tustin will be attending preschool this summer.. a first for Tustin. But he's there all the time for drop-offs and pick-ups, and all the teachers know him quite well. So, it should be an easy adjustment.

Chris is really enjoying his new job. He's still in the "training phase" of being a crane operator, but every once in a while, he gets to do a "real job," rather than just practicing on the cranes in the yard. He gets so excited, he calls me at work to tell what he did, and where he is. He's really enjoying working downtown at various locations along the bay.

I'm still working Monday through Thursday. But we've got 6 trials scheduled for the next two months... so I'll probably be working full time in the next coming weeks to get things taken care of. I'm hoping that in the fall, when Keegan starts school, my firm will allow me to adjust my schedule once again to accommodate. Probably 5 days a week, but maybe 6-7 hours a day, or something like that. Then I'll be able to take them to school in the mornings, and pick them up and be home with them in the afternoons.

AND... I'm finally downloading all my Christmas videos on to the computer, so hopefully in the coming weeks I can work a little bit at a time to get sections burned on to discs for my family! And THAT is life at the Tibbetts house!

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