Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday-- Family Day

Keegan's 12-inch-frame bike didn't cut it anymore for this big boy! We bought him a new bike on Sunday morning. Tustin got a "new" bike too-- Keegan's hand-me-down-- but loves it like a new one! Daddy brought his tools, and we set up shop at the lake. The boys helped Daddy when they could. They fed the ducks some bread. And Tustin practiced for our big ride around the lake.

New Bike Photos

We rode around the trail, at Lake Murray. Tustin was saving caterpillars at every turn. He would literally jump off his bike when he saw one crossing the road, kneel down and hunch over it, and say "Don't squish the caterpillar. It's going to turn in to a beautiful butterfly someday!" And he "shielded" it until it made it safely across the path.

Tustin & Mommy Day

We had a great weekend. On Saturday, Keegan and Daddy had some QT on the Midway (of course, I had the camera, so no photos of their event). Tustin and I walked down to Seaport Village for a few hours and had some fun! There was a Bird-Rescue guy who had about a dozen exotic birds out there on stands, for people to see, hold, get photos taken, etc. (I know the bird doesn't look so great, but they have been "rescued" and are in the rehabilitation process.) Tustin thought that was pretty cool, holding "Ruby." We rode the carousel. We climbed trees. We had a personal tour of a fire engine. We even flew our kite a few hundred feet up, at the end of the embarcadero (that was a little too difficult for me to get a photo, not enough hands). Excellent Quality Time with my Tut.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sea World!

Keegan's preschool was closed yesterday, so we went to Sea World with Nonny! Since the boys have been there many more times than I have, they just whipped out their maps and pointed to everything they wanted to see. (Why the Spiderman outfit you ask? For those moms reading this, and even for those who aren't parents, I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Pick your battles!") We had a great day at Sea World.

Bat Rays and Starfish

The boys love the touch-and-learn pools! We bought some fish to feed the rays, although Tustin politely said "No Thanks," when offered to him. (The peering eyeballs of the minnow's head didn't seem to appeal to him!) Keegan had fun feeding the rays. Tustin just wanted to touch them all. They asked some great questions at the starfish pool, like "how do they move?" and "how do they eat?" There are always Sea World personnel nearby to answer all your questions!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Solo Sleeper.... or is he?

Keegan has never been particularly attached to anything growing up: no blankets, or favorite stuffed animals, etc. Once we forced the surrender of the pacifier... I think he gave up on any meaningful attachments. Anyway, at night, he likes nothing at all on his bed with him. Only one blanket, no pillow, no stuffed animals, nothing at all. So last night, when I checked on him before I went to bed, this is what I saw. They were all lined up so perfectly around him. And by morning, he had added one more in the middle of the night; he placed a big koala along the outside edge of his bed, so he was all snuggled in there when I went to wake him up this morning.

Keegan & Chammy

I blogged about this a month or so ago, but now I have a photo to show for it! I typically don't go to bed for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours after the boys. I brush my teeth, and then I check on them both before bed. I caught Chammy sleeping on Keegan's bed, and Keegan passed out in his sleeping bag on the floor. Too cute, except I woke Chammy up when my flash popped up.


I told Tustin that we would take some pictures of him in his big-boy underpants, to celebrate being potty trained for about 3 weeks now. He ran out to get his sword and shield to pose for me. So, here is our boy, whom we've Knighted: Sir Big Boy Underpants!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

What New Movie Did the Boys Get?

Well... I'll give you a clue. Tustin has a perfectly reasonable explanation as to why a hammerhead shark's head is the way it is. You know, why his eyes are on opposite sides of his big hammerhead...

"Maybe it's because he told a lie, and his nose just got too big!"


Today was a nice day! We went out to breakfast, for the first time ever, WITHOUT a diaper bag of any type!! Just Chris, two BIG boys, and me! After breakfast, we stopped by Daddy's old work, to pick up some dirt for an outside project. Needless to say, we were there for quite a while, because, well... they are BOYS. What can I say?!!


On the way home from preschool, we see this "old train" every time. Tustin always says "HI OLD TRAIN!" And then, I say "Hi Old Train." Tustin quickly says "Mommy! Trains don't talk!" So, I decided to stop by the old train yesterday on the way home from preschool. The boys got to climb around on it, and move any parts that would move. We bought a couple of books at a really cute little bookstore nearby. We also tried on fluffy St. Patricks hats, which they begged me to buy (I didn't!). We had fun.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Finally- Time for a Keeganism... or Two...

Keegan used to not like talking about his day too much. Last week, he turned a corner. He told me ALL about his day at preschool; he told me every single detail of his day at preschool! He said, "Mommy, are you proud of me? Because I'm always going to tell you about my day, forever."

Today, Chris picked Keegan up from preschool. I suggested that Chris put Tustin to bed, and I could put Keegan to bed, so we could talk about his day. He was tired, I could tell. Keegan told me he didn't want to tell me about his day, I asked "What about our deal? That you would always tell me?" He said "Well, when Daddy picks me up, I tell Daddy all about my day. And when YOU pick me up, I tell you all about my day. That's just how it is, Mommy." So matter-of-factly, I should have known!

Tustin is having a hard time adjusting to the time change, so tonight, it was a few too many excuses, and after 3 trips to his room, I finally said that he had to go to bed, and that I wasn't going to go back in there. I would let him whine/cry it out. After about 5 minutes of Tustin whining about a blanket, Keegan finally came to his door and said "Mommy, Tustin is keeping me awake, and I can't sleep." So, I suggested that Keegan (for the first time ever) go in to Tustin's room, tell him that he was keeping him awake, and to see if he could help him out. Tustin pointed out a different blanket that he wanted on, and I could hear Keegan say, "Okay, so lay down, and I'll put it on you," which he did. He then said "Tustin, you have to go to sleep now, I'm tired and you are keeping me awake." Tustin said, "Okay Keegan." Keegan stepped out in to the hallway, proud of his accomplishment. He said, down the hall so I could hear him in the living room, "So Mommy, when Tustin has a problem from now on, is it okay if I take care of it??" Kind of like he was doing a better job than I was, so I better let him take over! It was all very cute.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just a Plain 'Ole Update

It's official-- we are a diaper-less household! It's been just over a week, and Tustin has not worn diapers once. He had a big messy poop in his pants for mommy a week ago... but not since. He was embarrassed and humiliated (the "accident" happened at a park), and it obviously didn't feel that great. I think that was enough. Now he tells us every time he has to poop or pee. We'll just have to play the next game at this stage: How Long do We Have to Get to a Potty, once he says the word?!

Keegan will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. It's just a matter of which one? We've turned in the transfer papers to hopefully get him in to a nicer school than the ones in our immediate area, but now we have to wait for their response. Both Keegan and Tustin will be attending preschool this summer.. a first for Tustin. But he's there all the time for drop-offs and pick-ups, and all the teachers know him quite well. So, it should be an easy adjustment.

Chris is really enjoying his new job. He's still in the "training phase" of being a crane operator, but every once in a while, he gets to do a "real job," rather than just practicing on the cranes in the yard. He gets so excited, he calls me at work to tell what he did, and where he is. He's really enjoying working downtown at various locations along the bay.

I'm still working Monday through Thursday. But we've got 6 trials scheduled for the next two months... so I'll probably be working full time in the next coming weeks to get things taken care of. I'm hoping that in the fall, when Keegan starts school, my firm will allow me to adjust my schedule once again to accommodate. Probably 5 days a week, but maybe 6-7 hours a day, or something like that. Then I'll be able to take them to school in the mornings, and pick them up and be home with them in the afternoons.

AND... I'm finally downloading all my Christmas videos on to the computer, so hopefully in the coming weeks I can work a little bit at a time to get sections burned on to discs for my family! And THAT is life at the Tibbetts house!