Saturday, January 10, 2009

After a long day for all...

After playing at the park, and taking naps, and playing out in the yard, we decided to take a wagon walk around the neighborhood. Then, Tustin helped me fix dinner (he LOVES helping out in the kitchen; he always says "I'm SUCH a good chef!"). Tonight he called himself the Musical Chef. He used his wooden spoon and started tapping on the other burners, the stove, the hood, etc., and said "see all the music I can make Mommy?" Then when Daddy got home (after working his first day of overtime at his new job-- 11 hours worth), they jumped him with hugs and kisses!!

Save the emails, please! Tustin is NEVER unsupervised while being at the stove in the kitchen! He knows not to touch anything! He just loves helping out.

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