Friday, January 30, 2009


We are trying to get the boys involved in as many sports as possible so they can choose which, if any, they would like to continue to pursue as they get older. This time, it's TUMBLING!! We signed Keegan up, since it's 3-5 year-olds. The class is for the kids only, and the parent's have to stay outside the room, and peer through the tiny little windows in the doors to see anything. Tustin cried the entire 30 minutes because he wanted to do tumbling with Keegan. It was heart breaking. I asked the instructor afterwards if Tustin could join the class-- and she said No Problem! So, yay for Tutty, he gets to start tumbling next week with Keegan!! Okay, so the "tiny little window in the door" explains the quality of my photos. Through the glass window, and with my cell phone! But the instructor said he was the best one in the class, and he followed all of her instructions perfectly. AND-- he LOVED it!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Over the weekend, Keegan wanted to play a game with Mommy. JUST Mommy. Well it is very difficult to keep Tustin away from whatever Keegan is doing. So, after about 5 minutes of Tustin begging to join in, Keegan said "Okay Tustin. If you sit down and go pee pee on the potty, then I will let you play the game with us." I was so excited at his desire to help potty train his brother. Tustin gave his usual "No, I will NOT go pee pee on the potty!" Keegan continued "But Tustin, even if you sit down to try, and no pee pee comes out, I will still let you play for trying!" Too sweet!

Milestone for Keegan

I asked Keegan to draw a picture to put in his cousin's Birthday card last night. I was SO excited because it's the first time he's ever drawn anything that actually kind of resembles what it is supposed to be! A macaw on a branch in the grass with the sun shining! His first REAL picture! I was so excited, he wanted to draw another one for me. Then he drew a bird, with his wings out to the sides, carrying fish in his claws, again with the sun shining! Proud Mommy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Another Great Day

Keegan's Reward

Keegan gets a weekly reward for being a good boy all week, and this week it was "going on a boat under the bridge." So, that's what we did, we went on a Hornblower Harbor Cruise. One hour around the south side of the bay, Coronado bridge and the Navy ships; and one hour around the north side, Harbor Island, and the Navy sub base. The boys had a lot of fun. Keegan already wants to do it again.

The Beautiful Bay-- San Diego

Some sight-seeing pictures of some of the things we saw around the bay. We got to see Daddy's new work from the other side of things, which was pretty cool. (See the big, tall, yellow and black crane? That's what he'll be running when his training is complete.) We drove by the mouth of the harbor, where all the sea lions hang out around the bait docks. The boys loved seeing that.

Cannon Battles on the Bay

While on our harbor tour, we got to see Cannon Battles on the Bay. It was pretty cool. The larger of the three ships is the "Surprise," which is the exact ship used in "Master and Commander, Far Side of the World."

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

That's my Boy!

Ah, FINALLY, I got the mop cut! :-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Love from Around the Nation

From Massachusetts:
"OK,,,OK Hey, I enjoy a good joke as well as the next but,,, -3 degrees. I'm Not Laughing. However it should get all the way up to 14 degrees today. I guess all we can do is make it through the day and wait tell tomorrow when it will be a balmy 20 degrees. (Go ahead laugh) Oh ya, more snow coming Sun. (6"). You got to love New England."

From North Carolina:
"OK,, it was 27 degrees at the house at 7 am this morning. Wilmington reported 22 degrees but we are closer to the water. The water temp. is 54 so we get an effect from that. Tonight,, Friday night,, we are told to drop below 20 degrees. Maybe not at the house but weathermen predicting 16 degrees for Wilmington. Brrrrr. No,, it is not as cold as some sections and we are ok with that."

From Georgia:
"As I drove to work this morning the Prius registered outside temp at 14 degrees. It rose to a lovely 32 for our high. We expect the temps to plummet to 11 by my commute to work in the am(Sat). Fireplace cranked (woodstove) toasty in doors. Enjoy the weekend."

I Hope no one in my family gets upset for me posting these excerpts from emails I received... but this is just great to blog about!! Want to see my reply?

From San Diego:
82-- need I say more? Oh ya, check out the pictures below for evidence!

Beach & Sun Fun

WHO takes 200 pictures in one day??? I do, I do! Wow, did we have a busy weekend! We had a birthday party yesterday, and then dinner at Claimjumper (yummy). Today we went bowling (scroll down for photos), and then we went to the beach this afternoon be for having dinner at a great Mexican food place in Coronado. Whew, wiped out, I tell ya. BUT-- I am never too tired to take a million pictures!

Fun in the Sand!

They boys had the best time playing in the sand. And getting dangerously close to the water. (The only reason I say that is because we didn't bring any backup clothes for them, and they would have had to finish out the rest of the evening in Transformer underpants and Lightening McQueen diapers!)

Hotel Del Coronado

We went to the beach for a while today with Nonny and Pop. It was a beautiful day-- for those of you who might not believe it was 85 today!! (The only reason we were wearing long pants is because we were going to dinner after.)

Dinner Time

After playing at the beach, we walked along the boardwalk a bit to enjoy the sunset. Then we went to have some yummy Mexican food for dinner! We had a GREAT day!

Bowling on Base

Now that Chris has base privileges, we are taking advantage! We went bowling this morning, and Papa met us there as a surprise for the boys! The boys got tips from Daddy, Papa, and Mommy too (and the lane bumpers helped quite a bit), but there's a really cool contraption they enjoyed using. Just push the ball over the edge, and away it goes, right down the middle! Their attention span lasted for about a game and a half, but we all really had a great time!

Bowling Pictures

Monday, January 12, 2009

Neurotic Dog

Can ANYONE relate? My dog wised-up this morning, much to my dismay! Every morning, I have to literally "heard" her out the back door when the boys and I leave in the morning. She just doesn't want to go out in the cold (it's relative, it's 54 right now), by herself. Typically, she gets that "please, NO" look in her eyes, and she stays about 5 feet from the door and hunkers down to a crouch. I walk behind her and heard her out.

This morning, it started out similar... hunkering down, etc. Then, when she was about to flash me the "please, NO" look, she got another look. It was a "take this" look! She walked to the other side of the bedroom, laid down, and rolled completely over on her back, feet sticking up in the air. Yes, I had to DRAG my dog across the room and out the door this morning! Almost in tears, but I couldn't tell if it was because I was laughing so hard at what was happening, or if I was so sad for her, really not wanting to go out there!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Brothers!

Keegan's Choice!

We woke up this morning, watched a little TV while I made my coffee, and fixed the boys breakfast. Chris reported to duty (work) at 6am today; a little O.T. So it was all about the kids and me. I asked Keegan what he wanted to do on such a beautiful day. He wanted to go to the BIG PARK. The big park is at Mission Bay, near Fiesta Island, for those of you San Diegans reading this. It has close to ten different play structures (at least) from pirate ships, to castles, to swings, and dinosaur slides. And all kinds of climbing equipment! Keegan buzzes up to the top of every climbing structure faster than boys who look to be 3 years older than he is, and quite hesitant about it all. (Hmmm, did we forget to teach our sons about "fear?" Or is that a natural instinct that some people just don't have? ARGH.) Anyway, we had a wonderful morning at the big park.