Sunday, December 27, 2009


Santa was very generous to ALL of us this year! We thank you Santa (since the boys can completely read yet-- we thank you SANTAS!) Merry Christmas.

Christmas Day at Nonny & Pops

Well... Christmas afternoon/evening. We had planned on getting over there a bit sooner, to be able to hang out and relax a bit. But, after the Urgent Care, and heading over there for dinner, and not having been home in 24 hours, with Keegan not feeling well, it was a short evening, unfortunately. Santa did come to Nonny & Pop's house too-- so Keegan was able to perk up a little (in between alternating doses of Motrin and Tylenol) to open his presents! We had fun, it was just rushed, stressed, and a bummer for my mom, who had planned on some good quality time with her boys!

A Christmas First!

One minute we are all having a great time, and the next, Keegan has a fever of 103! He has had a fever for a week, so we decided it was time to take him to Urgent Care-- yes, on Christmas Day! (Hopefully it's a "first" that will be the last!) They decided to treat him with antibiotics, because "something" is going on... but didn't really narrow it down for us. And, he's not too thrilled with the antibiotic he's taking, so I'm taking him to see his doc again on Monday. We'll see how it goes; wish us luck!

XMas Fun

Papa got a cool shirt! And Nana got got a cool gift made out of Keegan's very own artwork.

More Gifties!

The coolest thing for us this year-- webcams and Skype! I got Nana & Papa hooked up and Skyping; and showed them how to Skype Kristi, up in No. Cal. The boys got "tickle toothbrushes," which seemed to be quite a hit.

Bokugans and Transformers

They were in heaven with all these cool toys. They also received very special gifts from their grandparents back east. Grammie made blankets and pillows for both of them, which they love, and have been cozying with them every day! Thank You grammie! And thank you baby Lainie for all the bokugans!


The boys got a karaoke set up from Santa, which I think Papa liked too!

Santa Came!

The boys woke up to a Christmas tree loaded with presents! Among their favorites (the ones they specifically asked from Santa) were the bokugans, and transformers.


We had a great dinner, with lots of good company! Keegan even licked his plate (his dessert plate, that is!).

Christmas Eve

We loaded up the kids, ourselves, and the dog, into the car, and headed over to Nana & Papa's for Christmas Eve! We were to have a sleep-over, and Santa would come to Nana & Papa's house. (Santa knew that because Keegan told him in his Santa letter this year.) So, we had a little fun that evening-- and a super dinner. We had the most beautiful sunset to enjoy during dinner. My dad has nice, "hip" glasses these days, but for some reason, he keeps his old ones around. The boys like to try them on and see how they look. Pretty darn cute I think!!

Christmas Eve Day Gifts!

Nonny and Pop got the boys big wheels for Christmas. They were watching both boys on Christmas Eve day, so they decided it would be fun to give the boys their gifts early, and go to the park and let them ride all day!! They love their big wheels-- thanks Nonny & Pop!

Gingerbread House!

Okay, so it may not be the best g-bread house ever, but it was super fun to make! They boys did all the decorations themselves!