Tuesday, July 8, 2008


On the advice/approval of several of my friends with little ones, we decided to take the boys to see Kung Fu Panda this past weekend. Keegan got inside the theater and said, "Wow, Mom, that's a big TV screen!" I explained it was a "movie theater," just like when we saw "Horton Hears a Who." He stopped, stared at the screen and said, "Mom, I think movie screens are the biggest, hugest TV screens in the whole world!" It was a fun movie, and both boys really enjoyed it.

Sunday morning, we had the boys get up on our bed to cuddle for a while before starting our day. Keegan's new thing is "when I'm 18," or "when I'm an adult." He knows/thinks that all kinds of good stuff is available to him "when he's an adult." So, he lays in our bed, puts his head on the pillow, gets a huge smile on his face, and sighs, "I can't wait until I'm 18, mommy and daddy." So, of course we asked why. "Because when I'm 18, then I get to sleep in bed with you guys!" It was the cutest thing to know that he thinks that would be one of the coolest things he gets to do. (This is coming from a kid who has never slept in mommy and daddy's bed, so he must think it would be pretty darn cool!)

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