Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Keegan can come up with an excuse for anything. Once of his favorites, while he's sitting on time-out, is "Mommy, I have to go pee pee." When he was a lot younger, we obviously thought he was pulling our chain, and he peed right there on the time out mat. Ever since then, we let him go pee pee, and then have him come back and finish his time out.

Tustin absorbs everything that Keegan says, and stores it in a little compartment in his brain for later use, at just the right moment. Yesterday, I had to put him on time-out, which does not happen often with Tustin. After about 30 seconds he says "Mommy, I have to go pee pee!" I kind of laughed, and said "Go ahead," and he started to get up. I said "Where are you going?" He said again, "I HAVE to go pee pee." I said, "Tustin, you wear diapers, go ahead and go pee pee!" That little stinker-- he's learning from the best!

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