Sunday, July 27, 2008


He finally made his first goal! A few others got taken out in the process, but he kept on going.

The Golden Suns

Here are all the little star players: Cally, Max, Coach, Everett, Keegan and Quinn. I'M A SOCCER MOM!! I'm so excited. Tustin wants to be a part of the team so badly. Chris had to physically restrain him so that the team could get together for the team photo. He was kicking and screaming, it was pretty sad. So, he got to join in when they started their warm ups. He's a little shorter than most, but when he's 3, next summer-- he'll have a head start!

Itsy-Bitsy Spider - Video

Okay, so you can't understand every word he says... but you get the idea!

Twinkle Twinkle- Video

Tustin LOVES to sing! He knows all the words to so many nursery rhymes. I'll try and get a few more on video in the coming weeks!

Keegan's First Assist

Keegan did all the hard work and got the ball all the way down to the goal. Everett kicked it in for the Golden Suns!

Tustin Too!

Keegan's coach is great, she let's Tustin participate in all of the practice drills. Sometimes, he even seems more in to this soccer thing than Keegan does. He gets SO excited!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Keegan's First Soccer Game

Last week was Assessment Day, and this week they were broken in to teams, and actually played a "game" against each other. Keegan was certainly not the go-getter, trying to be the first one chasing the ball around. And, he didn't quite have the best coordination on his first day. But, he is by far the fastest runner out of the bunch!! He seems to be a bit more timid out there. But, after a couple of weeks, when he gets the hang of it, maybe he'll be right up there with the rest of them! He was really pooped by the end, and wanted to stop, but we got him to stay in there. (Unlike one boy from his team, and a girl from the other team... they just decided to have a sit-in right in the middle of the field. It was pretty cute!)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Our New Summer Pool

A little late in the summer, but it will be nice here until October! We got our new pool today, and it's a great one. The boys love it, with the slide, basketball, ring toss, and the spraying water. They played in it today for about 2 1/2 hours!

First Day of Soccer- Sat. July 12

This was Assessment Day for the kids. Sometime during the week he'll find out where and when to meet his new team (based on their abilities) on Saturday mornings, and whether or not it's Snack Day for us to bring the snacks.

1. "There's NO pee pee in dere."

2. "I'm not doing the pee pee in dere."

3. Then I guess he figures, fine, I'll just sit here then.

Fast as Lightening McQueen!

Keegan got new soccer cleats, and has worn them everywhere the last 24 hours since he got them. He's already taking after me in the photography arena... he put them on, and I asked him to run for me, so I could take pictures. He said "But first I want to stand by the tree and pose with my new shoes!" It was cute.

Too Much Fun with Dan-Pa!

Tustin loves the quad he got for Chrismas last year. (He also loves to be tickled!)

Keeganism & Tut Talk

Two short but sweets....

Nana made a snack for the boys, apple wedges and carrot sticks. She handed one bowl to Keegan, and the other to Tustin, and Tustain looked at it, looked at Nana, and said: "Where's the dip?"

Keegan was playing in the living room the other day, and he was on the couch. He asked, in a very curious manner, "Mom, why would they sell couches with hair all over them???" (Yes, that made me feel like a great mom!-- I do vacuum, just not every hour as required with a long-haired dog!)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A little birdie (or two) told me....

That I should be "blogging" about how Chris and I are doing as well. (Oh, but I just LOVE to talk about my babies.) Okay, so here's the low-down.... I'm doing great, working Monday through Thrs. I've got Fridays off to spend with my little Tustin (Keegan is in preschool on Fridays). My week night evenings are a little more hectic, and less relaxed than usual now. Chris is now working the "swing shift," which is 2pm to 10:30pm, Monday through Friday. He also works twice as far from home as before (he got moved to a different plant; still in San Diego, but just further away from home). So, dinners, entertainment, bathing, teeth brushing, stories and songs before bed, getting them to bed, etc... IT'S ALL ME!! I'm a weekday single parent, and Chris is a weekend Dad. Kind of sucks for all of us right now! Not sure how long this is going to last, but like other things that hit ya-- you get used to it and it becomes the routine! So, we just make the most of our weekends, that's all! And THAT is the scoop on us! :-)

New Toys and "The Movie Face"

The boys got these great gifts in the mail today from their Auntie Debbie, Uncle Dave, and cousins Ana and David, all the way from MA. Little portable steering wheels, with all the bells and whistles. They can use them on their laps in the car; they hook over the sides of tables, etc... They haven't let them out of their sights since we opened the box today. It's too cute! (Thank You! Only parents of two kiddies would know to get two identical gifties for brothers-- that was very sweet!)

Tut Talk!

We saw Horton at the theater many months ago... whenever it came out. Haven't been to, or talked about the movie theater since then. Chris and I were explaining to the kids that we were going to take them to the movie theater, and Tustin said "Horton Hoot." Close enough, but he remembered! (Of course, the very next thing out of his mouth was "I eat popcorn at the movies!" and he got all excited.)

He is one sweet little boy who insists on kissing all of your owies, no matter how you got them, or where! Any time he hears you say "ouch," or "ow," or make any sound like you got hurt, he'll come running over "I kiss it, I kiss it all better now."


On the advice/approval of several of my friends with little ones, we decided to take the boys to see Kung Fu Panda this past weekend. Keegan got inside the theater and said, "Wow, Mom, that's a big TV screen!" I explained it was a "movie theater," just like when we saw "Horton Hears a Who." He stopped, stared at the screen and said, "Mom, I think movie screens are the biggest, hugest TV screens in the whole world!" It was a fun movie, and both boys really enjoyed it.

Sunday morning, we had the boys get up on our bed to cuddle for a while before starting our day. Keegan's new thing is "when I'm 18," or "when I'm an adult." He knows/thinks that all kinds of good stuff is available to him "when he's an adult." So, he lays in our bed, puts his head on the pillow, gets a huge smile on his face, and sighs, "I can't wait until I'm 18, mommy and daddy." So, of course we asked why. "Because when I'm 18, then I get to sleep in bed with you guys!" It was the cutest thing to know that he thinks that would be one of the coolest things he gets to do. (This is coming from a kid who has never slept in mommy and daddy's bed, so he must think it would be pretty darn cool!)

July 5th-- Party Time

We had fun on the 5th of July too. We went to a birthday party for one of Keegan's new friends from his new preschool! It was HOT out that day. I suggested we sit in the shade under a tree for a while, but the boys found their own version of acceptable shade-- under the equipment, sitting in the wood chips! Hey, it's still shade, just closer to the fun! Keegan and two of his favorite things: climbing trees and eating cake (or cupcakes)! Both boys had a lot of fun, and it's always nice to meet other kids from Keegan's class, and their parents.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fun on the Fourth!

Keegan took the picture of Nana, all by himself!

More Fun on the 4th!

We went to a fun community celebration with Nana and Papa on the 4th of July. Tustin went on the pony rides twice, and Keegan chickened out-- twice! They jumped in the jumpy-jumper, played at the park, and had a darn good time!

After BBQ dinner at Nana & Papa's, we took the boys up to the top of Mt. Soledad, and checked out the view for about a half hour. Guess if we had planned better, we could have stayed there to watch the fireworks, since it wasn't too crowded, and it's nice and high up. But, we weren't prepared, and they boys probably would not have made it until 9pm. (And our neurotic dog would have been freaking out without someone to cling to!)

Wow- so much going on, so little time!

Okay, I've got a ton of photos to download, but I had to share my excitement out there with someone!!! For dinner tonight, Keegan ate four chicken rolled tacos. Yes, FOUR, and yes, CHICKEN!! He didn't exactly know he was eating chicken, as these "taquitos" are something he enjoys every now and then, but we don't call them chicken taquitos, or I'm sure he wouldn't eat them. I'm just excited because he's eating meat, and because it is the most I've every seen him eat in one sitting-- by far!! Yay!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Dinosaurland USA

Keegan and Tustin were playing together in Keegan's room this morning. When I went back there to check on them, Keegan said, "Look Mom-- it's Dinosaurland USA!" (That was one of their favorite areas at the Animal Kingdom at Disneyworld in Florida!)

Rub-a-dub Dub!

A little fun playtime in the tub. Keegan was being a sweetie pie and playing the comforting big brother role last night. He was making sure Tustin didn't slip backwards, as he knows how important it is to not let his head go under. (I have a photo of him catching Tustin by the head, when he was slipping backwards a little, keeping his head above the water, but it really looks like Keegan had a grip on Tustin's head and that he was trying to push him down in to the water. Figured that wouldn't be the best one to blog about!!)

Just Goofin' Around

The boys love this Bat Man mask that their Nonny got for them. (It's especially fun when one of them wants to wear it while we are running errands! ARGH, pick your battles, roll with it!)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Keegan can come up with an excuse for anything. Once of his favorites, while he's sitting on time-out, is "Mommy, I have to go pee pee." When he was a lot younger, we obviously thought he was pulling our chain, and he peed right there on the time out mat. Ever since then, we let him go pee pee, and then have him come back and finish his time out.

Tustin absorbs everything that Keegan says, and stores it in a little compartment in his brain for later use, at just the right moment. Yesterday, I had to put him on time-out, which does not happen often with Tustin. After about 30 seconds he says "Mommy, I have to go pee pee!" I kind of laughed, and said "Go ahead," and he started to get up. I said "Where are you going?" He said again, "I HAVE to go pee pee." I said, "Tustin, you wear diapers, go ahead and go pee pee!" That little stinker-- he's learning from the best!