Sunday, July 15, 2012

Del Mar Fair x 2

Yep-- we got to go to the fair again-- with Nana & Papa this time! The boys rode some more rides... but they no longer had the one-price wrist band (unlimited ride) deal, so we had to buy ride tickets. AND, they went VERY quickly! So, we were able to do a lot more exploring of different areas around the fair. Keegan got to see how fast his $5 bill disappeared by plyaing carnival games. Although they did win cute little puppies at one of the games that Papa paid for them to play. We saw the cute magic show in the infield that we've seen the last couple of years. He's really good-- and the boys really get a kick out of it. It was another beautiful day. A little overcast, which is always nice, to beat the heat!

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