Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve at Nana & Papa's, with Auntie Peggy and Great Nana too! Good food, good company, and good fun. Even Grammie joined us for dinner this year. The Tibbetts and Grammie went to a nice Christmas Eve family mass at a cute little church in La Jolla first-- which is why the boys are all dressed in their besties! Father Dom, who baptized, or "dedicated" the boys a few years ago, was participating in the mass. He just turned 97 this month. He is not in good health, and not expected to make it much longer, so we were very happy to have spent Christmas Eve with him. We've had the pleasure of his company at many dinners and special events at Grammie and Dan-Pa's over the years, and we are blessed to have known him. He tells THE greatest stories of his world travels over t

he last almost 100 years!

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