Tuesday, January 17, 2012

All Kinds of Fun Things

I was Queen For The Day when the boys took turns taking ME for a ride in the wagon! We got all kinds of attention, laughs, funny looks, and even offers to trade spots! I kept saying "This is the best New Year's ever!" Tustin saw Santa in a tree, and requested the camera for a picture-- not a bad picture at that! And, of course, we always take a spin on the carousel while we are at Seaport Village. (When Keegan was about 10 or 11 months old, I took him for a ride on the carousel at Seaport Village. He had a couple of signs under his belt by then: MILK, EAT, etc. But, we weren't sure when he was going to grasp the concept of MORE. When the carousel started to slow down that day, he started signing MORE MORE MORE, as if his life depended on it. I could see this look in his teary eyes, as I was pulling him down off the horse: MORE MORE MORE!! And he just looked at me like "I get it, okay, I understand MORE, why aren't you listening to me???!!" Oh, it was a bitter-sweet moment for me, one I will never forget!)

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