Thursday, April 21, 2011

Where has the time gone?

Being without my computer for at least TWO weeks has been driving me crazy! Among the list of things breaking down (my car, our dryer, my body), my computer has been on the fritz and in the shop a few times. But, I think we got the glitches worked out. (Fingers crossed please.)

Keegan has been on Spring Break for two weeks-- school starts back up on Monday. In that time frame, and shortly before break started, he had two doctor visits. Ear infection and pink eye! Good times. Both boys have battled colds/coughs. And I came down with tonsillitis last Friday and spent the weekend in bed, in severe pain!

I had an ultrasound of my kidneys, ovaries, and bladder-- more or less routine stuff (to followup on my kidney surgery from 35 years ago; precautionary since my grandmother had ovarian cancer, etc.) When the US results came back "abnormal" and it was requested that I get a CT scan for further evaluation, I must admit, I FREAKED OUT, because my doc basically said there was a mass on my upper left kidney! BUT, after reviewing my medical records from 35 years ago, they noted a "peripheral defect, left upper kidney, probably scar tissue." Let me tell you how well I slept that night, knowing this wasn't a "new" problem, but most likely resulting damage from years of bladder/kidney problems as a child! Relieved that I am-- I am also so thankful! The same day I was having my ultrasound, a really good friend's mother-in-law had a diagnostic CT scan which confirmed she has ovarian cancer. Our thoughts and prayers are with them, and we hope they caught it as early as they could!

I've been on Spring Break hours at work-- go in earlier so I can get off earlier-- and have been having a wonderful time withe the kids. No more mad rush to bath, brush, book, and bed them! The four of us have been playing checkers, lots of different card games, and just having a laughing, giggling time together!

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