Thursday, April 21, 2011

Bye-Bye Bazzle

Sadly for us, but luckily for Bazzle-- we have found him a new, wonderful home! Daddy "tried" to be a cat person, "for the sake of the kids," but it just wasn't working out for him. All those cute little things that kitties do, that cat-people love (or rather, don't mind as much), Daddy-- not so much! (Shredding toilet paper, endless scratching/playing in the litter box, and, of course, the furniture scratching, etc..) I had a rough time at it, as I've never had to give up an animal before. And I really did fall in love with that kitty-- he's one of the SWEETEST cats I've ever had! The boys were sad too (but, of course, they are over it already). A nice guy from my work, and his wife, both big cat people, adopted Bazzle. He works with me, so we'll get pictures whenever we want. AND, she's the manager of a vet clinic-- so Bazzle will get the best of care whenever needed. It's the best possible scenario for a sad occasion for me. I hear he's getting used to their two other cats, and is starting to play a lot! Take care my sweet Baz!

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