Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Balboa Park

The boys and I met up with Nana & Papa at Balboa Park over the weekend. Nana & Papa wanted to take Keegan to the Museum of Art, since he's been so "into" his art classes at school lately. (Funny story about that... which I just realized, after being able to actually attend one of his art classes with him today.... seems the art classes are right after school, conveniently timed at the same time that Keegan would normally be in Homework Club, working on his homework! Hmmm, no wonder he begged to go to both Wed. AND Thrs. art classes, gets him out of homework club!! His Wed. art teacher is about 70 and a smoker-scruffy sort of old bat, and she said "ya, sometimes he's just not too into it, but he sure hates that Homework Club thing!" Hmmm, I'm thinking Mommy & Daddy will NOT be spending money on the art classes for a while!! ARGH) Oh, right, so back to our lovely afternoon at the park-- we went on the carousel together, and then went our separate ways. I think we all had a lovely time! And we made it home before the cold winds and driving rains!

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