Keegan's teacher told me that he was going to be awarded the RESPECT award for his classroom at this month's Peace-builder Assembly! So, we all got there early to surprise him. He didn't even know he was getting the award, but I think he got a clue when he walked in and saw all of us sitting there in the front row! Here's what his teacher wrote He sets a great example for his peers in the classroom, on the playground, and understands the true meaning of what it means to be a Peacebuilder. It is a delight to work with such a respectful and excellent citizen. Congratulations to Keegan Tibbetts!" (I'm going to try to download the video, but I'm not sure if it will post or not.)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Surprise Keegan-- Mr. R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!
Keegan's teacher told me that he was going to be awarded the RESPECT award for his classroom at this month's Peace-builder Assembly! So, we all got there early to surprise him. He didn't even know he was getting the award, but I think he got a clue when he walked in and saw all of us sitting there in the front row! Here's what his teacher wrote He sets a great example for his peers in the classroom, on the playground, and understands the true meaning of what it means to be a Peacebuilder. It is a delight to work with such a respectful and excellent citizen. Congratulations to Keegan Tibbetts!" (I'm going to try to download the video, but I'm not sure if it will post or not.)
Keegan's Supporters!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Art Smarts
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Balboa Park
The boys and I met up with Nana & Papa at Balboa Park over the weekend. Nana & Papa wanted to take Keegan to the Museum of Art, since he's been so "into" his art classes at school lately. (Funny story about that... which I just realized, after being able to actually attend one of his art classes with him today.... seems the art classes are right after school, conveniently timed at the same time that Keegan would normally be in Homework Club, working on his homework! Hmmm, no wonder he begged to go to both Wed. AND Thrs. art classes, gets him out of homework club!! His Wed. art teacher is about 70 and a smoker-scruffy sort of old bat, and she said "ya, sometimes he's just not too into it, but he sure hates that Homework Club thing!" Hmmm, I'm thinking Mommy & Daddy will NOT be spending money on the art classes for a while!! ARGH) Oh, right, so back to our lovely afternoon at the park-- we went on the carousel together, and then went our separate ways. I think we all had a lovely time! And we made it home before the cold winds and driving rains!
Fun with my Tutty Buddy!
So, while Keegan was off getting cultured by Nana and Papa, Tustin and I had a blast walking around Balboa Park! We went into the Botanical Building, the Gem & Stone building, hung out by the fountain, and just head a really great Mommy & Son afternoon together! (I do have a cute picture of Tustin, in front of the fountain, with a great smile on his face, but this picture is classic! He looks scared to death, but that really wasn't the case!)
Tustin the Photographer
Tut's Not-So-Great Pictures
Many of you may thing "Ya, she only downloads the 'good' pictures, and I bet there are hundreds more that aren't so good..." Yes-- that may be true (when it comes to MY photos)! Here are some of the photos that Tustin took, that, uh, aren't so good! He took all of them, except of course the one of him in it. But, he's definitely a budding photographer-- even his teacher at school lets him take pictures in class and out at the playground with the class camera!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Open Gym Night
We signed the boys up for gymnastics class a few weeks ago, and they have really been loving it! Tustin gets to be in the 6-11 year-old Novice class with Keegan, since he's such a big boy. (The 3-5 year-old class just did basic tumbling skills, so we are excited about this class.) The boys work on floor exercises, balance beam, spring board, the bars... a little bit of everything! This weekend we just found out about Open Gym at a nearby YMCA, a different one than where we take classes. This Y has a FULL gymnastics room, and it's HUGE, and has ALL of the equipment. They boys got to swing on the rings, and flip and fall into a "pit" that is a trampoline at the bottom, covered by 3 feet of foam blocks. They have these pits at the end of the spring board and vault, underneath the men's single bar, and at the end of the long trampoline where gymnasts practice their long floor exercise flips. They even had a trapeze that swung out over a foam pit. This was pure heaven for our little monkey, Keegan. And what a great way to take them out for an our and just let them run around and swing and jump like mad-men to get their energy out!! We'll have to go more often!
Beautiful San Diego
It was SO nice last weekend. I took the boys to the park to play, and it got so warm, I let them take their shirts off for a bit to get a little sun! But, it was SO warm, that 15-minutes was the shirt-less limit, since I didn't want them to get a sunburn! We hung out in the hammock and read books too.
St. Pat's Fun Run & Walk
Last weekend my friend and I participated in the St. Patrick's Day fun run and walk down at Mission Bay. We signed up for it a couple of months ago, and just planned on walking the 2-mile together for fun. However, when we got out there, we decided to run it! I have not run since the half marathon I did last June, when my knee was hurting so badly, I could barely walk! So, I was pretty proud of myself. My knee felt great, and everything else did too. I walk 4 miles on the treadmill every night (well, 4-5 nights a week), so I thought this would be a cinch... but wow-- was I SORE the next two days!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
One Kid at a Time
Sometimes you just have to enjoy ONE kid at a time! That's what Tustin and I did today. Keegan went to Nana and Papa's for a sleep over, and Tustin and I went down to the beach and had a blast!! We had so much fun together, just hanging out, running races, climbing on sand hills, watching the wind sailers, surfers, skateboarders, frisbee players, etc...! It was a WONDERFUL afternoon!
Playing Around in PB
The Kids!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Flying Eagles

That was the theme for Keegan's art class today- Flying Eagles. And here is his eagle! He's doing awesome in art class. We are so proud of him! Today they used oil pastels for their creations. Yesterday they did "Bead Fusion," with little plastic beads and some sort of heating mechanism... couldn't quite figure it out. But- that was a little tricky to scan.
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