Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rock n Roll!

Okay, I spend so much time blogging about my kids, and our family outings, that I forget to blog about me, and what's on my mind sometimes. Some of you know (probably only my Face Book "friends," which obviously knocks out a lot of you-- a Gen X thing, I guess), that I have been thinking about, and working towards, training for the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon this June. I was unsure if my body would hold out- as it's been about 8 years since I've considered myself to be a runner, so I haven't registered for the race yet. Well, guess what? I'm READY for it, and it's sold out!! I ran 9 miles this morning, and I'm really feeling GREAT! The only way to register now is to buy a special package deal, that I don't want or need, but it's the only way into the race.

What's a girl to do?!

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