Friday, April 9, 2010

Attack of the Killer Sinuses!

So, some of you know, I've had 3 sinus surgeries in my distant past! Yes, THREE. And, after the 3rd, I had been relatively sinus-infection-free, for the most part. I mean, dropping down from 9-12 infections a year to one or two was like heaven for me! And some of you probably remember when I would beg for decongestants in my Christmas stockings as a younger lass!

Well, lately, probably the last 8 months or so, it's all been coming back! I've had about 5 infections in the last 8 months. Finally got tired of it, and saw an ENT. Ah, brought back the tender memories of numbing spray, and scopes up my nose, that I didn't miss too much! One side, fairly clear, a little inflamed and red. The other side, so many polyps and swelling that she couldn't even visualize any of my passageways- or get inside any of my sinuses with the scope to see anything! She said, "We need to be aggressive, and it's going to seem like a lot all at once, but it needs to be done, so in about 6 weeks, I can get up there and really see things!" A 17-day course of prednisone (steroids!) to shrink the polyps and decrease swelling; prilosec to combat stomach problems from the steroids; a daily allergy medication to keep the bad stuff from starting reactions; and daily topical steroidal nose spray to also aid in reducing swelling. ARGH!!! And she threw in, "If you have any unusual bloating or swelling anywhere, because of your blood pressure medication mixing with the steroids... be sure to let us know!" Double ARGH! So, ya... I'm a bit jittery from all the steroids right now-- wish I was running my half-marathon this weekend, geez, I could probably run 13 miles right now! That's the scoop on ME! Since I'm always writing about the boys, figured I'd blog/bitch about my life too! :-)

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