Friday, April 30, 2010

Spring Fling Dance

This is a photo of us at Tustin's preschool's Spring Fling Dance last weekend.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Art Class for Keegan

We signed Keegan up for a weekly Art Class, that he can attend after school on Wednesdays. He can do this before going to the Extended School Services program that he goes to every day, before we pick him up after work. He really likes it a lot! Yesterday's theme was "Horses." I think he used his aqua crayons to draw a mighty fine horse!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tut Talk

I've got SO many pictures to upload, but until I have the time... here's a little "funny" for your day!

The boys are in to reading books about the new kids' movie "How to Train Your Dragon." One of them talks about the Vikings, and how the lead character knows that the Vikings are "doomed" if he doesn't save them. So, we had a talk about what doomed means. "Well, it means that things are really bad, and the Vikings are in trouble, and that things will not end well for them if Hiccup doesn't save them."

Days go by. Over the weekend, I took the boys to CostCo with me (wow- what a feat in and of itself) to do some MUCH NEEDED grocery shopping. We pretty much buy everything at Costco. So, as many of you know, Tustin is a talker. He does not stop talking sometimes. Does not matter to whom; pretty much whomever will listen. We get to the check-out register, and the cashier asks how the boys are doing. Tustin blurts out "We are doomed!" And she kind of smiles and looks at me, and back at Tustin, and says "You're doomed??" He said "Yes, we have NO food in the house, and things weren't going to end well until Mommy did the shopping!"

Okay, can you say EMBARRASSING???!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Generous Donor

My super incredible boss has just agreed to donate my entire registration fee, so I can run the Rock n Roll half marathon in June!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rock n Roll!

Okay, I spend so much time blogging about my kids, and our family outings, that I forget to blog about me, and what's on my mind sometimes. Some of you know (probably only my Face Book "friends," which obviously knocks out a lot of you-- a Gen X thing, I guess), that I have been thinking about, and working towards, training for the San Diego Rock n Roll Half Marathon this June. I was unsure if my body would hold out- as it's been about 8 years since I've considered myself to be a runner, so I haven't registered for the race yet. Well, guess what? I'm READY for it, and it's sold out!! I ran 9 miles this morning, and I'm really feeling GREAT! The only way to register now is to buy a special package deal, that I don't want or need, but it's the only way into the race.

What's a girl to do?!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let the Easter Fun Begin

All the Easter fun started last Friday, when we colored our eggs! We had a lot of fun, and made eggs of many different colors! And, ooops, one dropped and cracked, (Tustin said with a smile on his face!) He LOVES hard boiled eggs! We were ready for the Bunny!

Liberty Station Spring Fling, 2nd Annual

We went last year for the first annual, so we thought we would try it again. This was the Saturday before Easter, last weekend. It was in a larger area than last year, and there were a LOT more people than last year, but we still managed to have a good time. They had a super slide, a few games for the kids to play, pictures with the Easter Bunny, and of course an egg hunt!

Ready for the Hunt!

The boys were anxiously awaiting the madness (egg hunt). Things are typically okay until all the parents go out there on the field, and block the views of other parents keeping eyes on their little ones, then it's just a mad rush to find your kids in the mix! You can see in the panoramic view, all four sides of the field were packed with people waiting to get to it!

Tree Climbing

The boys had a little fun climbing trees at Liberty Station, after the egg hunt.

Did the Easter Bunny Come?

The boys were SO excited when they first woke up and came into our room! They just started hugging each other-- so I had to get a picture of that! :-) We wandered out to the living room to see if the Easter Bunny had come over night, and sure enough,there were eggs hidden in various places. AND, two baskets full of good stuff, hidden as well! Let me explain the attire you will be seeing for the remainder of the day... not exactly their Easter Bests! The bunny gave them new swim trunks, and new muscle shirts. (And books, and toys, and of course a bit of chocolate.) But, they insisted on wearing their new swim trunks and shirts, so we just added slippers and sweatshirts and went about our day!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dan-Pa & Grammie over for Easter

They didn't want to miss out on all the fun! They joined us for a bit on Easter morning, with gifts in hand. The boys were very excited, and had a bit of goofing around kind of fun! Thanks Dan-Pan & Grammie for sharing Easter with us, and for the gifties for the boys!

Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt

The boys almost didn't know what they wanted to do first when we got to Nonny & Pop's-- eat or egg hunt. (Okay, I'll let you guess which boy wanted to do what, it's a no-brainer!) We decided to do the egg hunt first, and what a tricky hunt it was! Luckily the Nonny Bunny went with toys and coins and "tattoos" in her eggs, rather than chocolate. They got their share of chocolate at home- and we'll be rationing it for months to come!

We had a delicious breakfast at Nonny & Pop's on Easter Morning! Busy little family we are! The boys were quite excited about the quarters that were hidden in the eggs in Nonny's garden!

After Brunch-- BOOMERS!

Nonny and the Tibbetts headed off to Boomers for a little Easter Sunday fun. And it wasn't crowded at all!


We had a blast on the go-carts. I was in the lead the whole way, until we came up around the lappers, and Chris, in his faster car, I might add, snuck around us and made their way to the finish line first. And, you get a nice photo of Keegan's new "smile for the camera" face.

Mini Golfing

Good form by all! I've got some really great memories of playing mini-golf with Kristi and our Dad, while growing up. Seems where ever we lived (any state or any territory), he would find a mini-golf course, and we'd all go play. So, when we took the kids on Easter, it was just a lot of fun to create those kinds of new memories with them!