Monday, February 1, 2010

Disney On Ice!

Keegan, Tustin, Nonny & I were all super excited to go see Disney on Ice this past weekend! Daddy had to work, so Nonny gladly filled in for his ticket. She mentioned something about not being at the Sports Arena since a Neil Diamond concert in 1969.... but that was BT! (Before Tif) So, we walked around, checked out some of the vendors, got the kids crazy blue slushy drinks (which not only turned their entire mouths a deep shade of blue... but just think about what came out the other end on the toilet the next day!!) We got our popcorn and settled down for the show to begin-- they both loved it, all the way through! Tustin got a little antsy in the last ten minutes, but other than that, all four of us really enjoyed it!

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