Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sea World Highlight

The highlight of our day today was that Tustin was finally tall enough to ride Journey to Atlantis!! (Well, he's not really 42 inches. But, with a one-inch lift on his tennis shoes, and a very nice gentleman at the entrance to the ride, he passed.) He WAS SO EXCITED. We waited in line for about 30 minutes. And, for about the first 20, he was dancing around singing "Yay, I'm tall enough, I'm tall enough!" He turned to everyone around him (who, obviously are the same people, since you are standing in line) and told them several times, that he was tall enough to ride the ride! So, after, we had to go for a ten-minute romp in the grass to get the happies out a bit. He LOVED the ride. "That was SO great. That was awesome. That was SO fun" is all I heard for another 20 minutes!! Keegan had been on it once before, with his Papa, and I think is still a bit unsure of the level of excitement that he would give it.

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