Thursday, October 29, 2009

Happy Big Boy!

Tustin finally has his new big-boy-bed in place (minus the frame at this point). He has issues every now and then with thumping down on to the hard wood floor, in the middle of the night. So, we thought we would set his bed up in stages! But-- have you ever seen such a happier face?!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tif's Firm's Bowling Night!

A very fun annual event for all! They boys strapped on their bowling shoes, and used this great contraption to allow the ball to have enough speed to go all the way down the lane-- and with pretty good accuracy as well. Excellent all-you-can-eat taco bar, and some free beverages to boot! Thanks for joining us Papa.

More Bowling

The boys had a GREAT time at the bowling alley! They took full advantage of having Papa around (Daddy had to work late, so unfortunately he missed out on the fun.) For the most part, the kids were very good about sharing, and waiting to take their turns. And Tustin had a great time running around with mommy's co-workers, saying "you can't pick me up, I'm too heavy...," knowing that he'd get a few of them to swing him around!

New Skates

Keegan has been having fun with the new roller skates he got for his birthday! And Tustin has been fun swinging around and watching Keegan zoom by.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Special Moments!

Keegan and I have been "journaling" every now and then, since he started kindergarten. Typically, we pick a topic to write about together, and then I ask him to tell me what he wants me to write. He dictates, and I write the sentences as he phrases them. TONIGHT we tried the next step. I told Keegan that he was going to write his own journal today, and he had to sound out every letter and write it himself! The only thing I helped him with is the date-- since he obviously doesn't know that October is written as "10." But the "81" instead of "18" is all him. At this stage, we don't correct, we just encourage the writing! (He thought of the two phrases all on his own too!)

Happy (early) Birthday Keegan!

We had Keegan's birthday party yesterday. He's fully aware that he doesn't actually turn 5 until next Sat., so he had been calling this his "pretend birthday" all week. He was excited, and loved the party, but in his mind.... he knows he's still not 5 yet! We had a great time at the park at Liberty Station. Friends and family came to enjoy the fun!

Good Times

The kids, and adults alike, had fun hanging out and playing together!

Transformer Celebration!

Keegan decided on a Transformer theme this year (after the prior 6 months of insisting it would be a Power Ranger party). So, my creative cake lady made a very moist and yummy Optimus Prime cake for Keegan! The wind made it tricky for the candles, so we lit them, had him immediately blow them out, and then we sang to him. He had THE BIGGEST smile plastered on his face throughout the whole song! It was so cute.
Keegan had a great time opening his presents, and let Tustin help a little too-- after the disclaimer that "This is my birthday, and anything that is opened here today is mine!" Later, I turned my back for a minute, after we had the wagon loaded up to head to the car.... and I caught them in the act! They loved the cake!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sea World Highlight

The highlight of our day today was that Tustin was finally tall enough to ride Journey to Atlantis!! (Well, he's not really 42 inches. But, with a one-inch lift on his tennis shoes, and a very nice gentleman at the entrance to the ride, he passed.) He WAS SO EXCITED. We waited in line for about 30 minutes. And, for about the first 20, he was dancing around singing "Yay, I'm tall enough, I'm tall enough!" He turned to everyone around him (who, obviously are the same people, since you are standing in line) and told them several times, that he was tall enough to ride the ride! So, after, we had to go for a ten-minute romp in the grass to get the happies out a bit. He LOVED the ride. "That was SO great. That was awesome. That was SO fun" is all I heard for another 20 minutes!! Keegan had been on it once before, with his Papa, and I think is still a bit unsure of the level of excitement that he would give it.

Sea World

A little girl won a sword as a prize in the game area, and decided she didn't want it, so she gave it to the boys. ONE sword, TWO boys, you can see how that creates an issue...... But the kids handled it very well, and allowed the sword to change hands every time I said it was time. (Okay, they are boys, young boys, so not quite EVERY time I said it was time. But they did really well, considering!)

Sea World- Take Two

Okay, so, yesterday, the boys were not very well behaved a Sea World, and I had to be "mean mom" once again, and leave before we got to go trick-or-treating.  (They have been waiting for quite some time to do this.)  SO... they were very good today, I figured, it's free (well, technically not free, but already paid for with our annual passes), so I told them we could try it again! They were very good for me at Sea World.  (I think they were just very excited to have their cousins around yesterday, and couldn't quite control themselves!)

Sea World

I can't post any pictures of the boys and I, or I might give our Halloween Costumes away... but we all had a fun day at Sea World! (Until the boys started acting up so much, that I had to tell them were leaving before we had a chance to trick-or-treat and enjoy the Halloween Spooktacular festivities at Sea World!)