Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tiffany's Trip to the ER

Well, Urgent Care, but all the same-- just cheaper! I came down with the stomach flu on Saturday morning. Chris was working, and I didn't want to ask him to leave work, and I didn't want to ruin anyone else's weekend... so I "suffered through the day" with MANY trips to the bathroom! Let's just say that the boys had a full day of movies, and not-so-healthy, no-preparation-necessary foods! When Chris got home, I said "We have to take the kids to my mom's, and you have to take me to the hospital!" After laying on the floor of urgent care, bundled in blankets and shivering for 4 hours, I was finally given a bed! They treated me for another 3 hours (two bags of IV fluids for dehydration, 3 needle holes from failed IV attempts and bloodwork), and they sent me on my way... 7 hours later. I had NO energy, a slight fever, my skin was pale as a sheet, and my lips were cracked from being dehydrated. (Let me just add... what kind of idiot doctor gives a patient with severe diarrhea, suppositories for nausea??!!! Hmmm, let's think about how that might work-- IT DOESN'T!!) Sunday, Monday, my symptoms don't go away. Went to my doc for a followup yesterday. She wanted to give me another bag of fluids, but I promised her that I wasn't vomiting anymore (thank GOD), and if she gave me an ORAL nausea pill, I would drink TONS of fluids and I'd be fine. Long story even longer.... she thinks I have some type of bacteria in my tum-tum, so she's treating me with Cipro, in hopes this nasty bug will go away!! On the bright side-- a quick easy way to lose 7 pounds in 4 days!! ARGH.

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