Saturday, May 30, 2009

New Stuff on the Blog!

I've added a new little item on my site! Now you can do a Google Search without having to go to the Google home page!! Try it out! It's called "Let Tif Tell Ya!"

You should also be able to add a Comment to my postings, without having to have a Google account, or sign up for anything. (It may take a while to post though. But it will be there.)


I don't think we're in Australia anymore!! Keegan got an "adult bed" today! We got rid of the toddler bed, or the bed with "fences" as Keegan would describe it. When we went mattress shopping, his priority was getting a bed with NO FENCES! We got a frame for it too, so it will be off the ground a bit, but they've got to get that from their warehouse-- so we'll be picking it up on Tuesday. I think Tustin was satisfied with us telling him that when he turns 4 1/2, he will probably get a new bed too!

Autobots-- ROLL OUT!

Even though he went with me to the store, and he picked out his own sheets, he was still SUPER excited to turn the corner into his room and see them on his brand new, big boy bed!  He put on a 5-minute show of jumping up and down and clapping his hands and bouncing about his room in excitement.  And then, when it was time to read books for bed, of course, his Transformer books!  (Even though he won't be allowed to watch the movie for another 14 years-- he's still a Transformer fan!)


We took the boys to see "UP" today. They loved it. First movie they have sat still through, from start to finish! Chris and I enjoyed it too. There is a scene at the beginning of the movie when the couple finds out they can't have children (I'm not giving anything away here), and Keegan asked what was wrong, because they were crying in the doctor's office. So, I explained to him that some people just can't have children. Keegan looked at me with his steel blue eyes and said, in total honesty, "Why? Because they can't push hard enough?" I tried not to spray my sip of soda all over the place!

What do you do when......

You send your child into the bathroom to do his business, and from down the hall you hear him yell.... "I CAN'T FIND MY PENIS!" What do you think you do? Laugh until you almost pee your pants!!! (Yes, this was Tustin! We never could figure out what he meant though... when I got to the bathroom, he was peeing and said "I just trickin' ya Mommy.")

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Swim

We were invited over to a "pool party" BBQ on Memorial Day!  Well, the kids (and Chris, briefly) were the only ones who wanted to brave the cold pool.  The boys stayed in the water for a good two hours, blue lips and all.

Balboa Park

Yesterday we went to see the IMax film "Under the Sea." It was pretty cool; I think the boys enjoyed it. (It's a good thing it was only about 45 minutes long.) Then we cruised around the gardens at Balboa Park for a bit. Climbed tree roots, smelled the flowers, and even tried to catch butterflies.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer Movies in the Hammock

After a long day, the boys and I cuddled up in the hammock and watched BOLT on our portable DVD player. It was cozy, fun, and we had some popcorn too!

A Morning at the Zoo

We spent just a couple of hours at the Zoo yesterday. It got REALLY crowded. The new Elephant Odyssey is really cool, with a lot more animals than just elephants! Here are some pics of Tustin, having fun. Oh, and a show-off peacock too.

Keegan at the Zoo

Train Ride

After the Zoo, we took a ride on the train. (All of the "leaning" looking pictures are when either Keegan or Tustin are taking the pictures, and we are trying to lean towards where they are aiming!)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spoiled? NO WAY

Okay, so our crazy dog's favorite thing to do with us outside-- is to swing in the hammock! The minute I get in the hammock with the boys, she climbs up there too. The four of us read our books together. And when it's time for us to get out, she looks at us for a split second, as if to ask "Hey-- where ya goin' guys?" and THEN she stretches out, as if to say "Finally!" Silly Chammy.

This and That

We think Tustin's doctors' appointments have come to an end! He had a 2nd abdominal x-ray done today, followed up by an appointment with a urologist. Tustin has "classic signs" of bladder spasms, says the doc. When he was first potty trained, only a few short months ago, and continuing on somewhat to the present, he has been a pee-holder. Everything else in life is too exciting to stop and use the potty. So, the solution is to make him go potty more regularly, and it will likely take some months for his bladder to "relax" and stop the spasms. So, if any of you happen to be in the same public area as us, and Tustin pipes up "My Penis STILL Hurts!" That's all it is-- bladder spasms! Fun stuff. He's become quite the ambulance groupie with all of our many hospital visits over the last 3 weeks. They let him climb inside, and they turn all the flashing lights on for him. He loves it.
The other pictures are of an old steel bridge, only a few miles from our house, that happens to be along some great hiking trails! So, we are going to do some hiking more often on the weekends. The boys LOVE lookin' for bugs and sticks! (Don't ask about the goggles.)

Swim Class!

It's that time once again, to don the suits, and jump in! At least their pool is heated this year. There are only 3 kids in their class, which makes for some nice one-on-one attention with the instructor. They love Coach Carina, and they are having a blast. They get SO excited when they wake up and we tell them it's Tuesday or Thursday-- because they know they are going to swim class! We are progressing too... we've had 3 classes so far. They each were on time out-in the first class, Tustin twice. Only one time-out for Tustin in the second class, and no time-outs in the third!

Soccer Time

The boys have been playing soccer for a few weeks now on Saturday mornings. Started off a little slow, with a coach who liked to do a lot of talking.... which didn't go over well for 3-6 year-olds. We've had a couple of different coaches since, and the boys have been motivated and having fun!