Saturday, November 29, 2008

Get a Pen and Paper Ready Mom....

That's what Keegan said to me out of the blue yesterday, "Get a pen and paper ready mom, I have more things to ask Santa for!" It was bed time, so I said "Right now? Or in the morning...?" "OH, right now, so I don't forget!"
So, Santa, if you haven't done your shopping yet:
1. A shirt with a pirate ship on it, but no pirates.
2. A large, silver bell, like the one you gave the boy in Polar Express, because I believe too, and I can hear bells.
3. A new T-Rex book.
4. A new dinosaur-- a brachiosaurus.
5. Santa Claus pillow.
6. A bigger pillow for my bed, because mine is too small.
7. A new Christmas tree for when ours gets old.
8. A new hat with a motorcycle on it-- and Daddy riding the motorcycle.
9. A map of South America for my wall.

So, at least the kid is practical, right??
Mom adds the P.S. to his list after he's finished. No. 4 has been taken care of. No. 7: I assured him that every year Mommy and Daddy would make sure he gets a brand new Christmas tree to decorate. No. 9, I believe is really a world map to put on his wall. He's got one of the states, but I think he wants it all on there. And as for No. 2, let's hope it's not tinnitus!!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Never Too Early!

Seems a bit early, I'll admit. But, when you're gone for a week or more over the holidays, you have to decorate early to "get in to the spirit," and to be able to thoroughly enjoy your holiday season! So, we woke up this morning and headed to the Christmas Tree Farm. We picked out a perfect tree (Chris and I), while the boys spent the entire time running in and out of the rows of trees! We had a great time.

More Fun at the Tree Farm!

Park Fun

After we picked out the perfect tree, we went to a fun park near our house to play (and exert excess energy) before nap time.

What Every Man Enjoys...

Left-overs; a tall, cold drink, and the remote control!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fuji Apple anyone??

Keegan called me in to the living room and said, "Wanna buy me? I'm a new-born puppy!" Too cute, couldn't pass up the photo-op. (He's telling me right now to come look at the rest of his puppies. He says he has 7 of them, and they are sleeping so I'm supposed to be quiet and whisper around them. I better go see what else he's stuffed in to that box!)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tustin's "Dear Santa" Letter

I had to do a little prompting for Tusin, so I will insert my questions as well.

Dear Santa,
[What do you want to say to Santa, Tustin?] YO HO HO-- like THAT! [What would you like Santa to bring you for Christmas?] I want a new car that's orange. The wheel fell of my other one. I want pirates, bad pirates and nice pirates. I want a pirate ship [you already have one], OH, okay.
[Is there anything else you'd like to say to Santa?] How's he gonna get here? How does his reindeers fly? [explanation] [What list are you on?] I on nice list. That means be careful; no pushin'; no shovin'. Tell him to go around the whole world Mommy. [Anything else?] Bring a present for Mommy too, and Daddy, and Keegan too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rose's Birthday!

My little niece turned TWO yesterday! She had a fun party on Sunday-- I really wish I could have been there. She looks pretty happy with her baby doll haul! And brother Jack seems pretty pleased about something as well!

Keegan's "Dear Santa" Letter

Dear Santa,
I really love you. I would like a new Quest for Camelot movie, and I would really like it if you would give one to me. And I really like Quest for Camelot. But I want a different movie, like Quest for Camelot.
Do you know what else I would like for Christmas? I would like a new toy-- do you know what it would be? It would be a new sword, that's long. Like Nonny's one at her house.
I would also like a new dinosaur movie with a T-Rex in it. And what do you want for Christmas Santa? I'm going to be in Rocklin this year.
I have been very good and I don't do things on purpose. I only do them on accident. And that's it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Animal Grossology- at Reuben H

We had a fun morning yesterday at the Reuben H. Fleet Science Center. They have a great exhibit hall for kids called Animal Grossology. How a cow digests it's food; dung beetle computer game; why flies throw up on everything; how some frog daddy's keep eggs in their mouth; how an ostrich is the only bird that has two separate orifices for pee and poop- rather than one for both, like all other birds; all about different kinds of animal poop, etc... You get the idea. It's a hands-on, interactive exhibit. The kids loved it. And, of course, with admission, you get the roam of the whole children's center. (They had a really cool exhibit outside too; tons of spheres, representing different things pertaining to the environment, and environmental issues the world is facing.)

Keegan's Photography

These pictures were taken entirely by Keegan. He chose the subject matter, composition, got the automatic focus to work perfectly (with which even some adults have trouble), and had a great time using Mommy's camera.

Milestone for Keegan

Yesterday, Keegan wrote his name for the very first time, all by himself! We were all signing a birthday card for his cousin, and I asked him if he wanted to try to write his name. He said "Yes! K-E-E-G-A-N!" So, I wrote it on another piece of paper, and he wrote it on the birthday card! (The "G" was backwards, but other than that, it was awesome!)

Tut Talk!

Chris was having fun with Tustin at the dinner table, acting like a waiter. He said, "Anything else I can get you sir? How about a Latte?"

Tustin said, "NO! That-that-that-that's a COFFEE Daddy!"

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Too Sweet!

Keegan received a Target gift card for his birthday. Last weekend, Keegan, Tustin, and I set out to spend his loot! On the way to Target, I explained the situation to him... "Keegan, with your gift card, you can buy yourself one big gift, or if you want, you can get a few smaller gifts."

Keegan said "I want to buy Tustin a life saver (light saber) like mine." I said, "Keegan, this is YOUR money, you can buy yourself anything you want." He said, "All I want is for Tustin to have his own life saver so we can play together." (Keegan got a light saber for his birthday.) We shopped around Target, and looked up and down the isles, I offered numerous suggestions, but all he wanted, all he insisted on getting, was a "life saver for my brother!"

Playing at the Park

I decided to take the boys to the park yesterday. We brought their bicycles, and really had a great time. NO injuries-- Tustin actually faked most of his falls and fell over on purpose. Keegan loved climbing on the equipment, and wanted a picture with the moon.

Caught on Film!

A bit blurry, but that's because he was going a little fast!

And We All Fall Down!

There's just something exciting about crashing! Must be a boy-thing.

Funnel Cloud Swingin'

That's what Keegan said he was doig-- he was doing the "funnel cloud" to Tustin!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our Final Stop on Halloween

The last stop of the day/night was Nonny's house to go trick-or-treating. Nonny's house was one of the spookier ones on the block! I took the kids to a few houses, for their first "taste" of what trick-or-treating is like. They liked it!

Boo at the Zoo

The boys listened closely (at times) to hear all about the animals we got to meet up close and personal. They even got to touch a few animals, and BONES....

Boo at the Zoo

We spent Halloween evening at the Zoo with Nana & Papa. We got to visit with a lot of fun and unique animals. We took a behind-the-scenes sort of tour of certain parts of the zoo, with no crowds to be seen. And the boys got to do some trick-or-treating along the way.