Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Tut Talk!

Tustin is starting to put things together very logically lately. Last week, as we were driving by an outdoor tire shop, Tustin said, in his loud, excited voice: "LOOK AT ALL THOSE TIRES OVER THERE!!" I said yes, that's right Tustin, those are all tires. He then very curiously asked: "But who took them off of all the cars?"

And just today, he said the sweetest thing. An airplane flew over the car, out the window on his side of the car, he could see that it was a Southwest airplane. He said (again, in his oh-so-loud, excited voice): "WE WENT ON THAT ONE!" He said "We went to Florida on that one!" I get so excited when he puts things together like that (it was 6 months ago that we went). I said, "Yes, that's right! We went to see Great Grammie and Great Grampy." He said "My Great Grampy is in heaven. I miss my Great Grampy." I said, "Yes, Tustin, I do too." Then he said, "He's watchin' the Blue Angels right now!!" It was SO adorable!

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